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Explain on literary terms : Criticism and Tragic hero
           M.A English Semester – 1
                 Roll no- 38
Enrollment No: 206910842019003
Batch: 2018- 20
Submitted to: S. B. Gardi Department of English, MKBU
Paper no-3 Literary Theory and criticism -Western Poetics-1

Topic: Explanation on literary terms: Criticism and Tragic hero

Literary Criticism, the reasoned Consideration of literary work and issues. It applies, as a term, to any argumentation about literature, whether or not specific works are analysed. Plato’s cautions against the risky consequence of poetic inspiration in general in his Republic are thus often taken as the earliest important example of literary Criticism. The function of literary criticism very widely, ranging from the reviewing of books they are published to systematic theoretical discussion. The “Pulitzer Prize for Criticism” has been presented since 1970 to a news paper writer who has demonstrated criticism.  Here I explain terms, Criticism and The Tragic Hero. 
   Criticism means,

“The analysis and judgement of the merits 
and faults of a literary or artistic work.
‘alternative methods of criticism supported by well-developed literary theories”

Criticism is an evalutive or corrective exercise that can occur in any area of human life.In specific areas of human endeavour, the form of criticism can be highly specialized and technical. Criticism involves active disagreement but it may only mean “taking sides”. The goal is to understand the possible meanings of cultural phenomena and the context in which they take shape. The early English meaning of criticism, that of judging and interpreting literature. Such criticism was carried out mainly by academic authorities, business and men of property with the leisure to devote themselves to the pursuit of knowledge.
In the 20th century, all these meanings continued, but criticism acquired the more general connotation of voicing an objection, or appraising the pros and cons of something. With the growth of specialization in the division of labour, and the growth of tertiary education, innumerable different branches of criticism emerged with their own rules and specialized technical meanings.
 All forms of art have their critics. We read film reviews in our daily newspapers, television reviews in magazines. Literary criticism helps us to go inside of the text and understand the written work from many different viewpoints. Often times, theseperspective will not be readily apparent to us unless we delve into the work and learn hoe to look past the surface. By learning how to deconstruct literature through class discussions or in our reading, we get to many different ways to evaluated literature. Some critics care about when and where an author was born, while other critics feel that information is irrelevant. Below are a few different approaches to literary criticism.Parts of criticism,
Ø     Aesthetic criticism
Ø     Logical criticism
Ø     Factual criticism
Ø     Positive criticism
Ø     Negative criticism
Ø     Constructive criticism
Ø     Destructive criticism
Ø     Practical criticism
Ø     Theoretical criticism
Ø     Public and private criticism
Ø     Moral criticism
Ø     Scientific criticism
Ø     Scholarly criticism
Ø     Critical criticism
Ø     Radical and revolutionary criticism
Ø     Conservative criticism
Ø     Liberal criticism
Ø     Self-criticism
Aesthetic criticism
   Aesthetic criticism is a part of aesthetic concerned with critically judging beauty and ugliness, tastefulness and tastelessness, style and fashion, meaning and quality of design. Architecture criticism is considered the highest form of aesthetic criticism, because architecture combines art, science and technology to build a pleasing home environment, a “living space” that people must inhabit everyday, more or less permanently.
The motive behind creative activity.
Total context within which creative activity occurred.
Logical criticism
In a logical criticism, an objection is raised about an idea, argument, action or situation on the ground that it does not make rational sense Such an objection usually refers to assumptions, coherence, implications, and intent. Thus, the illogicality may involve something that:
·         Is being assumed or inferred improperly, without reasonable ground
·         Has implications or effects that are contrary to itself, or negate itself
·         involves a language that superficially makes sense, but defies logic when examined close.
Factual criticism
In a factual criticism, an objection is raised about an idea, argument, action or situation on the ground that there is something wrong with the evidence of the known experience relevant to it.
·         Relevant facts are said not to have been definitely established as true, or the likelihood that they are true, has not been established

   Tragic Hero

“The term hero is derived from a Greek word that means a person who faces adversity, or demonstrates courage, in the face of danger”.
However, sometimes he faces downfall as well.Aristotle defines a tragic hero as “a person who must evoke a sense of pity and fear in the audience. Tragic hero is important part of the tragedy. Tragic hero is part of and protagonist of the story. A tragic heroes downfall  for his own mistake.

characteristics of a Tragic Hero


    “A fatal flaw leading to the downfall 
             of a tragic hero or heroine.”
  The term hamartia derives from the Greek,
which means “to miss the mark or err”. It is most often associated with Greek tragedy, although it is also used in Christian theology. In hamartia is commonly understood to refer to the protagonist’s error or tragic flaw that leads to a chain of plot actions culminating in a reversal of their good fortune to bad.


Excessive pride and disrespect
for the natural order of things”.

Hubris describe a personality quality of extreme or foolish pride or dangerous overconfidence, often in combination with arrogance.  Hubris is usually perceived as a characteristic of an individual rather than a group, although the group the offender belongs to may suffer collateral consequences from the wrongful act. Two well-known cases are found in the speeches of Demosthenes, a prominent statesman and orator in ancien Greece.Claims like these were rarely left unpunished, and so Arachne, a talented young weaver, was transformed into a spider when she said that her skills exceeded those of the goddess Athena.The goddess Hybris has been described as having "insolent encroachment upon the rights of others.


Anagnorisis is a moment in a play or other work when a character make a play or other work when a character makes a critical discovery. The use of this literary device is very common in plays and novels. It is a very important part of the The ideal moment for this device to happen is the moment of peripeteia, a reversal of fortune, where the protagonist realizes some important insight or fact, human nature, his own situation, or a truth about himself. Part of the plot in a tragedy,whichthe protagonist recognizes his Tragic flaw. The ideal moment for this device to happen is the moment of peripeteia, a reversal of fortune, where the protagonist realizes some important insight or fact, human nature, his own situation, or a truth about himself.

   The inescapable agent of someone’s or something ‘s downfall. Divine retribution is a major theme in the Hellenicworld view, providing the unifying theme of the tragedies of Sophocles and many other literary works.Nemesis appears in a still more concrete form in a fragment of the epic cypria.
.The word Nemesis originally meant the distributor of fortune, neither good nor bad, simply in due proportion to each according to what was deserved.


“The process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions”.
Catharsis is a term in dramatic that describes the effect of tragedy.  Purgation and purification, used in previous centuries, as the common interpretations of catharsis are still in wide use today. In his works prior to the Poetics, Aristotle had used the term catharsis purely in its medical sense. In the twentieth century a paradigm shift took place in the interpretation of catharsis with a number of scholars contributing to theargument in support of the intellectual clarification concept.

                   Here I explain a two literary term criticism and tragic hero. Thistwothing are very important in literature. 

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