Monday, November 5, 2018

Assignment: Hamlet as a Tragedy

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Hamlet as a tragedy
    Prepared by: Richa Pandya
           M.A English Semester – 1
                 Roll no- 38
 Enrollment No: 206910842019003
Batch: 2018- 20
Submitted to: S. B. Gardi Department of English, MKBU
 Paper no-2 The Renaissance Literature
Topic: Hamlet as a Tragedy


Hamlet as a Tragedy
Hamlet is written by ''William Shakespeare''. Shakespeare well known for his play and Stair. He was first writer to start the writting on tragedy. His drama divided in three class called ''Tragedies, Comedies and Historical plays''. He also known for his ''Sonnet''. He write '154' sonnet. his famous works are '' Merchant of Venice, As you like it, Mackbeth, Othello, King lear, Antony and cleopatra" these all are his famous work.
This story based on Hamlet father's death by his uncle. He was prince of 'Denmark'. His murder by his uncle his name is 'Claudius'. In hamlet the first tragedy of the death of or murder of hamlet’s father Late king Hamlet.
        “The tragedy is a milestone in
         Shakespeare’s dramatic development;
         The playwright achieved artistic          
         Maturity in this work through his
         Brilliant depiction of the hero’s struggle     
         With two opposing force : moral
         Integrity and the need to avenge his
         Father’s murder.                    

Hamlet is son of Queen Gertrude and Late king Hamlet. He was villian of the play and antagonist of the play. Hamlet wants to take revenge of his father's murder. because his father's murder by his own uncle. After his fathers death his mother married with his uncle who whose the murder of his father. After his father’s death in short time near less than two months she marriage with his uncle. Hamlet was against this marriage because she married with his father’s murder. At the Dark winter night Horatio and the watchmen saw the reflection. Horatio go for search to what was on the ‘Ramparts of Elsinore Castle in denmark on that the ghost walks on the castle. And the ghost is the ‘let king hamlet’ Hamlet’s father. Horatio suggest that these all thing to say hamlet and he was tell this thing to hamlet. Hamlet say if it was my father it speaks with him. He try to speak with the ghost of his father and know about how he was died. When he talk with the ghost he ask about it and get answer and say that he was murder by none other his uncle claudius. His father to take revenge from the claudius. With this thing hamlet think about the how he take revenge. In this time he ask question him self whether it is ,
       “To be or not To be”(Act III, sc.I).
It was his first soliloquy.
      “to be or not to be, that is the question.
       Is it nobler in the mind to suffer
       The slings and arrows of outrageous
       Fortune or to flight against a sea of
      And end them by fighting?                 
He was suffering with this thing and fight with himself . he was suffering with his mind and the reality. Some time he gone in depression. Should he murder his uncle Claudius ask question himself and that plagues him. In this play in the opening we saw let king hamlet it was first tragedy. After that hamlet decide to feel guilty to his uncle claudius. he make a plan in this plan he think he make play in that play he try to imagine the claudius to he have to murder to his father.
      After this he start to practice for performance. During this time people start about Hamlet and Ophelia. She was his girlfriend. They love each other. But though hamlet not seem to love ophelia and he wishes to ban marrige. When the play perform on the play and the murdre scene come in theatre claudius leaps up and leave the theatre. He feels sorrow.
“ When the sorrows come
  They come not single spices,
    But in Battalions”
 Hamlet and horatio happy because they success in prove to his uncle Guilty. After that hamlet goes to kill his uncle claudius to but he find him praying. Claudius was frightened from the hamlet because he know the hamlet was kill him and take revenge of his father’s murder. So he was frightened from hamlet and his madness and fearing for his safety. When the second time hamlet go for kill claudius he belive that the behind the curtain but their was not claudius their was the polonius death was second tragedy of the play. Ophelia’s father when he draws his sword and knife through the curtain, killing polonius. And he was died by mistake. After this thing claudius get chance to hamlet send go away from for his safety. He give Rosencrantz and Guildenstern sealed order to king of England that Hamlet be put to death. Polonius murder was second tragedy of hamlet. Hamlet was go away from the palace. After her father’s death ophelia feel alone and she look like mad. Her brother Laertes come from the France after his father’s death. Ophelia goes mad and she Drowns in the river. She committed suicide and she died. Laertes want’s to kill Hamlet for his father and sister’s death. They died because of the hamlet.         
         Hamlet was not aware about the ophelia’s death. ohelia’s death was third tragedy of the play. When he return from the vicinity of elsinore he saw the two men stand near the churchyaed.  They were two gravediggers shovel out a grave for ophelia. There were argue about her last funeral that ophelia should be burried or grave. Because ophelia’s death is suicide so according to religious doctrine suicide not accept in christian burial. Hamlet and horatio ask them a question who was die and why are you digging grave now. After some time he saw the body take for a last funeral. When he saw the body hamlet was shocked to see her as died. He conform that he was love to ophelia .
    “I lov’d Ophelia: forty thousand brothers              
     Could not, with all their quantity of love,
     Make up my sum”. (scene i)
 horatio take him away from the opelia’s body and take him inn castle. Laertes plan about to kill hamlet. Some couriters arrives on claudius order to arrange to fencing match between hamlet and laertes. In this match laertes try to kill hamlet .  The sword fighting begins. Hamlet scores the first hit but he said no for the drink. In that drink claudius mixed poison for kill the hamlet. But he don’t take drink and that drink taken by Gertrude. She drink easily and she died. So the again we saw a tragedy of gertrude’s death. Gertrude’s death is fourth tragedy of the play. After that laertes cut his sword’s blade. And then he say the claudius is responsible for his mother gertrude’s death he mix poison in the drink. When the hamlet here this thing he was full of anger and with his aim to revenge of his father and mother’s death he came near to claudius and with the forcefully he drink down the rest of the poisoned wine. And after the the drink wine claudius died. Hamlet win to take revenge of his father’s murder. And then he died. Hamlet death was fifth tragedy. In the end hamlet was died. And the big tragedy happen in the play. In end of the play many people died and make tragic End. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are also dead. They were friend of Hamlet. When the people were died at that time A Prince of Norwegian his name was Fortinbras came . he was the led of an army to Denmark and attacked Poland beginning in the play. He was stunned after the watch of entire family’s death. Horatio said whole tragic story of Hamlet. Fortinbras said,
   “Bear Hamlet, like a soldier, to the stage”
  “Go, bid the soldiers shoot”
                         (scene ii)
  In this play we saw hamlet as a tragic hero, struggle with his decision, admirable and flawed character. He was capable of both things good or evil.
    “There is nothing either good or bad,
      But thinking makes it so”(Act III, sc. II)
 In the play we saw a everyone death are not normal some were death was innocently so some were died for them fault or reason. Hamlet was suffering wirh the question should he murder his uncle claudious is a question that plagues him. Young hamlet suffe in the mind or retaliate. See in this play hamlet don’t act because depression and courage being difficult to reconcile.
 In the end , shakespeare’s hamlet is a great tragedy because too many people die. Let king hamlet killed by claudius , polonius killed by hamlet, ophelia committed suicide she drowns herself, laertes strikes hamlet with his sword of poisonous sword. Gertrude mother of hamlet she drinks the poisoned drink it was for hamlet but she drink it and die. Hamlet forcefully try to drink claudius to poisoned drink and he was die after the drink. And in the end Hamlet also die. so we can say that hamlet as a tragedy. We have no doubt to say this word. Hamlet take his revenge with claudius and he die. so this was the Shakespeare’s greatest story. It was greatest work of him and greatest tragedies:
   “Hamlet is without question the most famous   
    Play and tragedy in the English language.”

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