Thursday, January 30, 2020

Expert lecture on ELT : Prof. Atanu Bhattarcharya

Expert lecture by pro. Atanu Bhatachry on January 25th,  26th and 27th. The expert lecture on the paper elt.  Sir give many information. Sir start the lecture with the history of the ELT.

First sir give the some information about the history of the ELT. then sir taught the Language period divided in sixth part : classical, middle ages, 12th and 15th century,  renaissance, 17th 18th and 19th century and 19th and 20th early. This are the parts of the language period. Sir give the chart of this six part and give expansion in the chart. In renaissance time nation become a important part. Linguistics start in the "India". Example :  Sanskrit - matr,  Latin - mater, German - muther, English - mother. The all languages word came from the Sanskrit language. Child learns speak with the unconscious mind. They learn with the expression. Also a language process is a communication process.

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