Friday, January 31, 2020

Literature : What, Why and How

What is Literature?

When we talk about the literature that time many thing in the mind.  But for me literature reflect our life. In literature we see the all thing which happen with us in our life. We see our life in the literature. Literature reflect our character. We read any novel or the story in that we compare our character with the novels character. Literature is about our life. In literature it is in written form and in our life we see practical with our life. When the problem came we take help or the solution from we read any novel or the story. We compare the both problems and try to solve it. Literature taught us  recognize the people. literature shaped me in the way of looking of the people. I start look the people in two side and now I can’t faith on the people in short time. when I know about them till I don’t faith on them. Literature taught the show every aspect of the thing or the people.   


When we talk about the Literature and the topic is give Metaphor of literature. Many metaphors came in the mind confused in which proper Metaphor reflect the Literature. So here I give two Metaphor, “one is Fertile Soul, another is like Ocean”. The soil is fruitful and it helps a lot the people. Literature reflects culture and society like that farm reflect the Nation. The India’s famous quote is “Jay Jawan Jay Kisan”. This thing reflects the India. From this soil everyone got something some get good thing and some get bed thing. But no one is empty. Like that literature taught many things. Literature taught lives a life, way to see people. Literature taught the main thing knows the person. In Fertile soil anything you born in soil it grow and from that many people earn money. Another one is sea here I take Metaphor Sea as its sounding. As everyone know about the no one know about the Depth of the Ocean. No one reach at the bottom of the sea. Like that no one reach at the bottom of the literature. In every language lots of the work written. No one say that I read all book. We listen that the this person write the first book of literature, this man start writing. But the no one have proof of that thing. Before that person many people write but no one know about that. Like ocean we go in that to see the bottom of the sea we can’t see the bottom; but we see the many beautiful thing, we wants to go in depth of the ocean. Like that we can’t reach the bottom of the literature but go deep inside and learn many thing, get many information and our interest increased to know about the literature. Go deep in literature and every time learn things.   

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Expert lecture on ELT : Prof. Atanu Bhattarcharya

Expert lecture by pro. Atanu Bhatachry on January 25th,  26th and 27th. The expert lecture on the paper elt.  Sir give many information. Sir start the lecture with the history of the ELT.

First sir give the some information about the history of the ELT. then sir taught the Language period divided in sixth part : classical, middle ages, 12th and 15th century,  renaissance, 17th 18th and 19th century and 19th and 20th early. This are the parts of the language period. Sir give the chart of this six part and give expansion in the chart. In renaissance time nation become a important part. Linguistics start in the "India". Example :  Sanskrit - matr,  Latin - mater, German - muther, English - mother. The all languages word came from the Sanskrit language. Child learns speak with the unconscious mind. They learn with the expression. Also a language process is a communication process.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

One Night @ the Call Center shaped me ?


How Literature Shaped me?

The definition about so many. But one definition of literature is very famous and most of know about this, “ Literature is Mirror of the Society”. Its reflect the society and the our Culture. When the talk about the how literature shaped me I think that when I take admission in B.A that time I feel nervous because I am the student of Commerce. Fist  two week of F.Y.B.A I confused and what I am doing. But after some time I feel quietude. But some days of the starting of B.A In my mind question like that I am not on a wrong path or not take a wrong decision. But after the some time all question prove wrong and happy about the choose this decision.

So the last five year i am in this field of literature. I learn the many thing from  the literature. I feel that I saw the thing in all perspective. I see the thing from the every side. From the novel One Night @ the Call Center I learn many things. The novel written by the famous writer “Chetan Bhagat”. In this novel every character different and the every character has a problem and they dealing with problem.
The story reflect the middle class family of India. I see in the novel the male character Shyam and varun they both have a problem in the call center (office). The military uncle he has problem in his home his son not live with him so he is alone and do a job in call center. The female character Radhika, Priyanka and Esha they have a with a family means in home. We see the problem of the male and female. The male has no problem in a home and the female has problem in home. Why the female has problem in home?   Because they do a job? Radhika is married so she always try to happy her motherinlow, priynaka ready for marriage for her mother, and esha wants to model so she left the house.

In this we see the problem and the parts of problem in male and the female. It reflect the Indian culture. In India the male has a freedom of everything they do what they want, they never take a permission of any thing. But the female has not a permission to what they want, always take a permission. Its reflect the “Purush Pradhan Desh”. I saw the difference between the boys and the girls (male and female). They both are equal. In present time the girls do  all work. They have courage and capable to defeat the boy.This is my view and I from this novel. But in many place in present time this thing happen. In small town the lady is married and do a job she complete his household work and then go the office. She also try to do happy her family and important her mother-in law. Like character of Radhika. The male has never tension about his family because they said that work is his wife not him. She deal with all.

In the end when the God’s call came that time I feel that when the danger or death in front of us that time the our voice and courage face and live that time no one can say that they defeat the problem. They said God save us. In Gujarati the aphorism when the problem came and defeat with and live that tim they said “ Bhagavn ae Bachavya or Bhagvan Dekhay Gaya”. Never praise themselves always give credit the god. 

Friday, January 24, 2020

Poem Daffodils


Poem “Daffodils” written by the famous poet “William Wordsworth”. The poem first published in 1807, in a two volumes and revised version was  published in 1815. The poem was inspired by an event on 15th April 1802 in  which Wordsworth and his sister Dorothy came across a “Long Belt” of Daffodils . The Poem is commonly seen as a classic of English Romantic Poetry, although poems, in Two Volume in which it first appeared, was poorly reviewed by Wordsworth’s contemporaries.
In this poem the most famous line is,
                                     I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud      
This line is poems first line. The poem is very well known poem. This poem is best loved poem in English Language. In this poem we see a personification. In the first line considered the poem’s mood. In The first stanza.  The poem written in Four Stanza in every Stanza the Four line. The poem follow the Wordsworth’s definition of “ THE SPONTANEOUS OVERFLOW OF POWERFUL FILLINGS: IT TAKES ITS ORIGIN FROM EMOTION RECOLLECTED IN TRANQUILITY”.   

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In the first stanza of Wordsworth’s “I wandered lonely as a cloud” the speaker uses first person to personalize what he says and to give more depth and meaning to his words. In the first line, the speaker uses melancholy diction to describe how he “wandered lonely as a cloud”. He then shifts to a euphoric tone when he describes the “host of golden daffodils”. He uses descriptive imagery when he says that they were “fluttering and dancing in the breeze”. The reader immediately senses that the speaker has brought him to a Utopia. The peaceful language and the description of the beauty allow the reader to feel carefree and at ease. In the second stanza, The  he speaker shifts his focus from the daffodils and compares them with the “continuous…stars…that shine and twinkle on the milky way”. The speaker allows to reader to experience the majesty of seeing “ten thousand [stars]…at a glance”. At this point, the reader begins to sense that he is not on earth anymore, but rather in a place full of majesty and beauty, perhaps heaven or some other form of afterlife. Throughout the poem, rhyme and rhythm help it to flow smoothly, giving the readers a continued sense of utopian peace. The rhyme scheme, ab ab cc, is an integral part of bringing the reader a sense of rest and peace. This stanza not only allows the reader to feel the sense of peace the speaker feels, but also to feel life. This is not simply a peaceful place; it is full of life. Figurative language and personification are used when the daffodils are described as tossing “their heads”. This gives the readers the feeling that this peaceful, utopian place, is also lively and spirited.

The third stanza continues the personification describing how the waves “danced” and the daffodils “out-did the sparkling waves in glee”. This continues to give readers a sense of peace and joy combined with lively action. The personifications of the daffodils also reveals their effect on the speaker as he regards them with life and attributes to them the ability to feel “glee”. The speaker then shifts the focus back to himself as a poet when he says, “A poet could not but be gay”. This portrays the effect the dazzling daffodils had on the speaker. When he says, “What wealth the show to me had brought”, it shows that the mere sight of the golden daffodils somehow enriched his life and brought wealth to him. The use of the word “wealth” reveals that this sense of peace and joy are worth more to the speaker than money or other worldly wealth. This also gives the reader the idea that some things are worth more than money and worldly goods, such as peace, joy, and life. In the fourth stanza, the speaker shifts from a peaceful, joyful tone to one of pensive thought. He also comes down from the cloud and reveals the reality of his current physical state. Even though he no longer sees the dancing waves and the golden daffodils, he reveals that he will never forget them when he says, “they flash upon that inward eye”. The speaker reveals that he not only still has the memory of the daffodils, but that he has also kept the memory of how they made him feel. He reveals this when he says, “And then my heart with pleasure fills, and dances with the daffodils”. This gives the reader the sense that the speaker has either been dreaming, or has had an experience in which he caught a glimpse of heaven. It leaves the reader with a yearning to find that perfect place of utopian peace.
I also make on blog on the Wordsworth’s Preface  to Lyrical Ballad  to see that click here  Lyrical Ballad of the Wordsworth.  Wordsworth is famous and the well known writer. The poem Daffodils is wrote on the one flower. In this poem I see the one abstract the title is Stylistic Analysis of Daffodils by William. In that abstract they use key words; style, stylistic, Wordsworth, loneliness, nature, faith, Phonological level, grammatical level, graphlogical level. In one point the Scope of the study they say, this work shall be exclusively stylistic and analysis will be conducted through the use of the following levels of analysis: laxico-syntaqctic patterns and choice, phonology, graphology and morphology. Other points Limitations of the study. This poem is the well known and the one of the best work of the  Wordsworth.  


Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Harry Potter web quest

         Harry Potter 

Image result for harry potter images

Harry potter Harry Potter is a series of fantasy novels written by British author J. K. Rowling. The novels chronicle the lives of a young wizardHarry Potter, and his friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, all of whom are students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The novel devided in eighth part. The novel is famous in the children literature, because of magic and the fantasy. J.k.Rowling include the all point in the novel. Like self-help book, children literature, Feminist Discourse, discourse of power and politics etc…..  

Image result for harry potter character of hermione image

1.      Femininst reading of Hermione’s character in Harry Potter:

The character of Hermione is the central and the protagonist of the novel. She is intelligent and the sharp minded girl in the novel. Many another also a female character in the novel  but Hermione is the central character. She has a good grasping power. The another female character are Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Dolor Umbridge, prof. Narcissa Mlfoy, Lily Luna and other. The concept of the feminist reading of Hermione, in this point we see the in novel Hermione in good character. In some part Hermione is main character in some part. In first part Sorcerer’s stone. In this part Hermione solve  the problem with power of magic, she solve the secret with help of book. But in some part Hermione need help when the monster came she can’t fight with him. She need a help for save her life. So the Harry and Ron came and save her life. In some part she is silent character. She is not highlight in the part. In the third part Hermione is the central character. She has a time-turner machine and she showed the Harry all process and she remove the illusion that  he saw his father. The Feminist discourse is when the big danger came the Hermione need the help she can’t some situation. The another point is when Ron see the Harry and Hermione set together Ron angry on her he can’t listen her and go away. That time her character like poor. Another female discourse is color of skin when Ron and Harry danced with the black skin girl  that time they feel bed. and set in the corner. So the discourse of skin color.  Hermione is smart but in some point she stand second point because she is girl and show the man power and hero.       So the feminist discourse we see in the character of Hermione and another character.  

2.     2.  Discourse on purity of blood and Harry Potter:

Discourse on purity of blood and Harry Potter we see the thing in novel. The discourse in pure blood and the mud blood. The discourse between the death eaters and the order of the phoenix is a conflict between the extreme edges of a minority community and the law abiding. We see the in one scene Batrix write on the Hermione’s hande “The Mud blood”. In that scene we see the how the important of  point the  mud blood and purity of blood. Also a purity of blood and mud blood is a theme of the novel. When the talk on this point Hermione feel nervous and bed. the point show the stereotype society and the mindset of the people about the mud blood. The mud blood reflect the history of the Muggle. In the second article pure blood supremacy in that we see the belief that wizard and witches whole family has not married any muggles were inherently biologically superior to wizard and witches who had done so.  Also talk about the half bloods and half breeds with contempt and considered the Muggle word to be inferior to their own. In third article

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3.Self-help culture and Harry Potter:

The self help culture we see in the all part. Harry, Hermione and Ron they are always ready to help and never think about them self, they never think that if they help Harry they injured or their life in a danger. Also a rule of Hogwart school any body can break the rule their point cut but they never think about the point and always ready to help each other. In this article we see the all characters point of the self help culture. In forth part Goblet of Fire in that in the last task the Cedric in the danger and harry with him. That time the Cup in front of the Harry. But harry save the Cedric’s life and they both take a Cup. In second article the character of Harrys it show a helpful and the all the problem solve and save the another students life and school of Hogwarts.   

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4     The discourse of power and politics in Harry potter

The power and politics we see this point in every part but the main point when the harry wants to meet magistrate that magistrate not in the school. The second thing is the in the sixth part when the Harry and Dumbledore go for the know about Half Blood Prince that time Dumbledore said him to obeyed me. That time we see the power. Also we see the power of media and the politics. In the article we see the point about the power and politics how the J.k. Rowling use this point in the Harry potter.  

     Group Task 

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie :


Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie grew up in Nigeria.Her work has been translated into over thirty languages and has appeared in various publications, including The New Yorker, Granta, The O. Henry Prize Stories, the Financial Times, and Zoetrope. She is the author of the novels Purple Hibiscus, which won the Commonwealth Writers’ Prize and the Hurston/Wright Legacy Award.Ms. Adichie has been invited to speak around the world. Her 2009 TED Talk, The Danger of A Single Story, is now one of the most-viewed TED Talks of all time. Her 2012 talk We Should All Be Feminists has a started a worldwide conversation about feminism, and was published as a book in 2014.Her most recent book, Dear Ijeawele, or a Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions, was published in March 2017.
In this first video we see many things according to education and technology how helpful in the education.  First video by Sir Ken Robinson on the "Changing Paradigmas"   first he say about  the two reasons of education first is Economic and second is culture. This two reasons is the big and the main reason of the education system. He say every country on the earth is trying to how do educate our children. He talk about the culture, culture genes of our communities while being part of the process of globalization have we we square that circle the problem. He  says ththat the in present time education system is totally changed. SStudents gets degrees but can't get a job. He said the problem is that the current system education was designed and concived and  structured for a different age. And then he say about the industrial revolution before the middle of the nineteenth century. After the the point of public education is came. IIn this topic the main point is structure of the public school. In the public school education paid for from taxation compulsory to everybody and free at the point of delivery that was a revolutionary idea. He described the education in the two type of the people . One is academic and second is non-academic. And also people divided in two types one is smart and another is non-smart people. The main two pillar of the education system are Economic and the Intellectual. Robinson describe education and the education system in every point of view. He think as a poor people and as a rich people. And the difference between them. He talk about the system of the private school and the public school. In the private school the structure of the building and the students divided in the group.  He says about the arts is,   "The Arts are Victims of the mentality ".His main point is the changing of paradigm. In this video we see the structure of the system .

Thinking Activity on 'The Da Vinci Code'

The Da Vinci Code is a novel. Written by Dan Brown. The novel is mystery thriller. Novel published in 2003. The book also refers to The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail (1982) though Dan Brown has stated that it was not used as research material. The Da Vinci Code provoked a popular interest in speculation concerning the Holy Graillegend and Mary Magdalene's role in the history of Christianity. This blog is part of the classroom thinking activity.

#About Author:
Dan Brown is the author of numerous #1 bestselling novels, including The Da Vinci Code, which has become one of the best selling novels of all time as well as the subject of intellectual debate among readers and scholars. Brown’s novels are published in 56 languages around the world with over 200 million copies in print.
In 2005, Brown was named one of the 100 Most Influential People in the World by TIME Magazine, whose editors credited him with “keeping the publishing industry afloat; renewed interest in Leonardo da Vinci and early Christian history; spiking tourism to Paris and Rome; a growing membership in secret societies; the ire of Cardinals in Rome; eight books denying the claims of the novel and seven guides to read along with it; a flood of historical thrillers; and a major motion picture franchise.”
The son of a mathematics teacher and a church organist, Brown was raised on a prep school campus where he developed a fascination with the paradoxical interplay between science and religion. These themes eventually formed the backdrop for his books. He is a graduate of Amherst College and Phillips Exeter Academy, where he later returned to teach English before focusing his attention full time to writing. He lives in New England with his wife.
#Brown states on his website that his books are not anti-Christian, though he is on a 'constant spiritual journey' himself, and says that his book The Da Vinci Code is simply "an entertaining story that promotes spiritual discussion and debate" and suggests that the book may be used "as a positive catalyst for introspection and exploration of our faith".

The novel Da Vinci code novel is famous. In this novel we see the both things. The novels some point about the Christianity. The whole novel based on the the Mary Magdalene's holy grail. The novel revelse the history of the Mary Magdalene and her sarcophagus. The character are follow the Christian rules. The character of the Silus he give pain himself. He stand in front of the Jesus and Silos rope kills itself.  Also a Dan Brown use the book "Holy Blood and the Holy Grain". Some of the things take from this book. Dan Brown support the argument is nothing Kills better than religion. The character of Sophia in the end she do one seen in that she touch the water and said the water don't change in the wine.

#You have studied ‘Genesis’ (The Bible), ‘The Paradise Lost’ (John Milton) and ‘The Da Vinci Code’ (Dan Brown). Which of the narrative/s seem/s to be truthful? Whose narrative is convincing to the contemporary young mind?

"Genesis, The Paradise Lost and The Da Vinci Code" this three the Christianity and religion is the main and major theme of this three narrative. In this three novel some of the point convincing the contemporary young mind. In the Paradise Lost the Edam can't wait and control himself to eat the an apple. Like this the  young mind can't control and the wait for some things. The Da Vinci code the character of Sophia is like a contemporary female character. In present time the girls are powerful and successful in all the work.

#Although it is obvious that much of what Brown presented in his novel as absolutely true and accurate is neither of those, some of that material is of course essential to the intrigue, and screenwriter Akiva Goldsman has retained the novel's core, the Grail-related material: the sacred feminine, Mary Magdalene's marriage, the Priory of Sion, certain aspects of Leonardo's art, and so on[1].” How far do you agree with this observation of Norris J. Lacy?

In the novel brown present the Grail-related material the sacred feminine, Mary Magdalene's marriage, the Priory of Sion, certain aspects of Leonardo's art I agree with this point. Brown give all the things with proper and the correct material. So the help of clue the Sophia and  Robert Langdon finally reach the holly grail of Mary Magdalene.

#What difference do you see in the portrayal of 'Ophelia' (Kate Winslet) in Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet, 'Elizabeth' (Helena Bonham Carter) in Kenneth Branagh's Mary Shelley's Frankenstein or 'Hester Prynne' (Demi Moore) in Roland Joffé's The Scarlet Letter' or David Yates's 'Harmione Granger' (Emma Watson) in last four Harry Potter films - and 'Sophie Neuve' (Audrey Tautau) in Ron Howard's The Da Vinci Code? How would justify your answer?

In all the work characters are different. But  Harmione and the Sophia this two characters are different from the all characters. They both represent the 21st century's character they both are free and successful and main thing is they both face the problem and solve the riddle. Character of Ophelia, Elizabeth these characters are the kind and soft. They are like Indian woman. For them the family first and her self last. The character of Hester prynne she is fight with the people and she struggled with society with courage. She never think about the society. She give birth of her child and give name she never think that she is a single mother how she Enlarge the baby. So the character of Hester Prynne, Sophia and Harmoine they are the different from the my point of view. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Thinking activity on The Waiting for Barbarians

Waiting for barbarians is novel. Written by southern African writer  J. M. Coetzee.  Novel published in 1980. This blog is part of the thinking activity.
#About the author

J.M. Coetzee, in full John Maxwell Coetzee. He was born in February 9, 1940, Cape Town, South Africa. South African novelist, critic, and translator noted for his novels about the effects of colonization. Dusklands 1974 Coetzee’s first book. Coetzee continued to explore themes of the colonizer and the colonized in Foe(1986), his reworking of Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe. In 1999, with his novel Disgrace, Coetzee became the first writer to win the Booker Prize twice. NOTABLE WORKS the chilhood of Jesus, Disgrace, Foe,  The master of Petersburg and Age of iron.

#Plot summary

The main protagonist of the novel is a nameless civil servant, who serves as magistrate to a frontier settlement owned by a nameless empire. The Empire osition to the “barbarians,” mysterious nomadic peoples who live in the wild lands bordering the Empire. Magistrate is one man against the empire like one man army. The book opens with the entry of "cokonial Joll". The one rumor spread in the village which is the barbarians are came. And this rumor become a major problem in the village. The whole novel based on this the barbarians came. People start the investigation of this thing. But his methods of investigation are brutal, and they deeply disturb the magistrate. In the second chapter the unknown girl came. So the people believe that she is barbarian girl. Magistrate hiring this girl as a cook and a maid. The magistrate and the barbarian girl's relation turn into the professional  to sexual. After some time magistrate that the barbarian girl back to her people. So he arrange the all things for give her back in her people. This thing Complete with success. And after thatAn officer  has already replaced the magistrate’s office. The two soldiers who accompanied the magistrate, having witnessed from afar the magistrate’s interactions with the barbarians in returning the girl, confirm this false accusation. when the mandel and the soldiers came back the magistrate resigned from the position. After 25 year colonial joll came back. Joll, but he won’t open the carriage. He and his company quickly leave. Colonial joll came in the only in the novel starting and the end of the novel.The novel ends as the magistrate tries to write the history of the settlement, but he finds himself unable to. In the novel end the barbarian came or not there is a big question ....

#character study

The magistrate

The magistrate is the first-person narrator and flawed protagonist of the novel. Everything in this allegory is filtered through his point of view. He wants to live in peace in his outpost, serving his Empire without questioning the purpose or effects of its colonial project. He's forced to confront its violent crimes when it attempts to push into nomad territory around his outpost. The magistrate goes on a journey of self-discovery in the novel, confronting not only the hypocrisies of his Empire, but his own denial as well.

#Colonel Joll

Colonel Joll is the novel's antagonist. Indeed, with his black sunglasses and black carriage, he plays the role of a classical villain. Joll arrives at the outpost as an agent of the Empire's ambiguous secret police, under the pretext of seeking out "barbarian" enemies, but in fact he is on a mission to extend his office's campaign of terror through torture. Joll brings torture to the outer reaches of the Empire, and transforms the magistrate's outpost from a place of liberal tolerance to a barricaded fort of an Empire at war with its enemy: the nomadic natives, the "barbarians."

#The nomad girl

The unnamed girl. People say that this girl is barbarian. Magistrate took her in his house. As a cook and maid. After some time their professional Relation change in physical Relation.


Lynch, Molly. "Waiting for the Barbarians Themes". GradeSaver, 29 March 2017 Web. 15 January 2020

Friday, January 10, 2020

Thinking activity on White Tiger

The white tiger novel written by Indian author Arvind Adiga. Novel published in 2008. The novel won the 40th Man Booker Prize in the same year(2008).

#About the author
Aravind Adiga was born in India in 1974. educated in India and Australia. He has worked as a journalist, first as a financial correpsondent in New York, then returning to India in 2003 to work as a correspondent for TIME magazine. His debut novel, The White Tiger, was published in 2008 and won the 2008 Man Booker Prize for Fiction. His second novel is Between the Assassinations 2009, which charts the lives of the residents of an Indian town over a seven-year period between the assassinations of Indira Gandhi and her son Rajiv. The author is also praised for his ability to delve the darkest recesses of human nature and present the grim side of an individual’s personality in an equally grim universe. His latest work is Last Man in Tower 2011. 2009 Commonwealth Writers Prize (South East Asia and South Pacific Region, Best Book).

#plot and summary
Protagonist of the novel is Balram Halwai.  The whole story narrated on this character. Adiga do a dark humarich satire on the Indian people. Balram Halwai is sweet maker and he belongs to the Laksman Nagar a small town. He come from a poor family. He transcended his humble beginnings to become a successful entrepreneur. He talk about the  his  to name "munna". His name munna given by his school teacher. He say that his family have a no time for his name so every one call him munna so his name is munna. Balram’s father died from tuberculosis in a decrepit village hospital. After his father's death kishan got married and moved to Dhanbad and Balram came with him.  Balram start work as a taxi driver.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

All my sons

Image result for all my sons

All my sons is a play. Written by Arthur Miller. Play's  first edition in 1947. Genre of the play is a Tragedy.  The story of Joe and Kate Keller and their two sons, Chris and Larry. Keller was owner of a manufacturing plant. Steve Deever was a partner of the manufacturing plant. And he has one daughter her name was Ann. Both families were very close.

The story of the both partener of the plant. The problem stand in the plant. They supplying airplane part. In that the one slot of the parts of airplane it problematic. And that part they supply they think that if that product the don't sale thay face the big loss so they supply the slot.  The defective parts supply in twenty -one planes. And all are crashed because of the defective parts twenty one pilot dies in that accident. Larry was a missing his mother says that the Larry is still alive somewhere. After that Ann's brother George arrives to stop the wedding. He know that his father was innocent. Ann wants to see the letter which Larry write before his death but his mother not to show the letter. After all that Keller realize that all twenty one pilots who died they all were his son. And then he diced that he will drive to the jail and turn himself in. And after that moment the gunshots voice came and the when all went to see the Keller has killed himself. This is the story of the play.

The theme of the play Relatedness,The Nuclear Family,The Past,Denial and Self-Deception,Idealism and Business this all are the major themes of the play.

Reference :
Weinbloom, Elizabeth. Kissel, Adam ed. "All My Sons Themes". GradeSaver, 26 August 2006 Web. 9 January 2020.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Thinking Activity - The White Tiger by Arvind Adiga

The white tiger

The white tiger novel written by Indian author  " Aravind Adiga". It was first published in 2008 and won the 40th Man Booker Prize in the same year.the character Balram Halwai is protagonist of the novel. The novel stire on the Indian people and the culture. This blog is part of the thinking activity.
# About Author
Aravind Adiga was born in Madras (now Chennai) on 23 October 1974 to Dr. K. Madhava Adiga and Usha Adiga, both of whom hailed from Mangalore. His paternal grandfather was the late K. Suryanarayana Adiga, former chairman of Karnataka Bank,[6][7] and a maternal great-grandfather, U. Rama Rao, a popular medical practitioner and Congress politician from Madras.[8]
Adiga grew up in Mangalore and studied at Canara High School, then at St. Aloysius College, where he completed his SSLC in 1990 and secured the first place in his state in SSLC (his elder brother, Anand, had placed second in SSLC and first in PUC in the state).[7][9]
After emigrating to Sydney, Australia, with his family, Aravind studied at James Ruse Agricultural High School. He later studied English literature at Columbia College of Columbia University, in New York city, under Simon Schama and graduated as salutatorian in 1997.[10] He also studied at Magdalen College, Oxford, where one of his tutors was Hermione Lee.

# How far do you agree with the India.      represented in the novel The White Tiger?
 I agree with the novel represented the India. In this novel we see the culture of the India and the people who are the religious. How people live in the India. It also reflects the poor India. As we see a movie "Slumdog Millionaire" in this movie all the things describe and the most part is the is India's biggest poor area Dharavi. This novel  stire on poor people, uneducated, driver,  Pulled rickshaw,  Village life, landlords and the religious people. How people believe in the religious and the rumor. So this novel reflect the India.

#Do you believe that Balram's story is the archetype of all stories of 'rags to riches'
Yes, the  Balram's story is the archetype story   of some percentage. The Balram doing many things which are the bed and good. He take both path good or bad. Some when he take make of Ashok it was bed way. Like a movie Slumdog Millionaire How the Jamal become reach. He know the answer because of the every question connect his past moments of the life. But we see the how rich people think about the poor people. So the Balram's story connect the archetype.

# What does writer by saying that something are better said in English Language ?
English language is helpful to stire on the people. English language is simple, peaceful and the adorable Language. In English language the effects is less because Everyone not understand properly. If anyone speak in English and stire people can't understand. If this novel written in Gujarati in India government put banned on ththe novel. In English this all things people except don't believe in that the thing or meaning is good or bad. The effect of English language is different in people's mind. In English not more affect then Gujarati.

#List of questions asked in the film. If you have to replace or add a few questions, which questions would you like to add. Remember, questions shall be in-tune with the screenplay of the film?  

1.Who was the star of the 1973 hit film "Zanjeer"?

 A. Anil Kapoor
 B. Amitabh Bachchan
 C. Shahrukh Khan
 D. Madhur Mittal

2. picture of three lions is seen in the national emblem of India. What is written underneath it?

 A. The truth alone triumphs

 B. Lies alone triumph

 C. Money alone triumphs

 D. Fashion alone triumphs

3.In depictions of God Rama, he is famously holding what in his right hand?

A. A bow and arrow

 B. A sword

 C. A flower

 D. A child

4. The song "Darshan Do Ghanshyam" was written by which famous Indian poet, according to the movie?

 A. Surdas

 B. Tulsidas

 C. Kabeer

 D. Mirabai

5. On an American $100 bill, there is a portrait of which American statesman?

 A. George Washington

 B. Benjamin Franklin

 C. Franklin Roosevelt

 D. Abraham Lincoln

6. Who invented the first commercially-successful revolver?

 A. Samuel Colt

 B. Daniel Wesson

 C. Oliver Winchester

 D. Thomas Edison

7. Cambridge Circus is in which U.K. city?

 A. Oxford

 B. London

 C. Cambridge

 D. Leeds

8. Which cricketer has scored the most first-class centuries?

 A. Jimmy Bridges

 B. Ricky Ponting

 C. Jack Hobbs

 D. Sachin Tendulkar

9.In Alexander Dumas' book "The Three Musketeers", two of the musketeers are called Athos and Porthos. What is the name of the third Musketeer?

A. Planchet

B. Cardinal Richelieu

C. Aramis

D. D'Artagnan

10. While the police inspector was questioning Jamal's knowledge, he asked Jamal whose picture was on the Indian 1000-rupee note, and then showed him when Jamal claimed not to know. Whose picture was it?

 A. Mohandas Gandhi

 B. Muhammad Jinnah

 C. Jawaharlal Nehru

 D. Gopal Gokhale

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