Monday, August 12, 2019

Shashi Tharoor's view on post colonial study and critique of films

About the Shashi Tharoor

Image result for shashi tharoor

Shashi Tharoor born in 9th march 1956. He is an Indian Politicians, writer and a former career international diplomat.  Born in London, UK, and raised in India, Tharoor graduated from St. Stephen's College, Delhi in 1975 and culminated his studies in 1978 with a doctorate in International Relations and Affairs from the Fletcher School of Law and DiplomacyTufts University. At the age of 22, he was the youngest person at the time to receive such an honour from the Fletcher School. From 1978 to 2007, Tharoor was a career official at the United Nations, rising to the rank of Under-Secretary General for Communications and Public Information in 2001. He announced his retirement after finishing second in the 2006 selection for U.N. Secretary-General to Ban Ki-moon. In 2009, Tharoor began his political career by joining the Indian National Congress and successfully represented the party from ThiruvananthapuramKerala by winning in the Lok Sabha elections and becoming a Member of Parliament. During the Congress-led UPA Government rule 2004-2014, Tharoor served as Minister of State for External Affairs 2009–2010 and Minister of Human Resource Development (2012–2014).

An Era of Darkness

An Era of Darkness written by the ‘Shashi Tharoor’. He is an Indian Politician and diplomat.  Tharoor’s latest, An Era of Darkness, is one breathless read. In it, he aggregates all the argument required to establish that British colonial rule was an awful experience for Indians and he does so with a consummate debater’s skill. India had to endure under them was outrageous scale and sustained violence of a kind it had never experience before. In short, British  rule was, according to Tharoor, an era of darkness for India, throughout which is suffered several manmade famines, wars, racism, maladministration, deportation of its people to distant lands and economic exploitation on an unprecedented scale.

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