Sunday, August 25, 2019

Reflective Blog: Teaching of Prof. Balaji Ranganthan

The blog on the Guest lecture by Balaji Ranganthan sir. Who came from the central University of Gujarat. He taught us paper no.-11. The post-colonial Literature. The session was on the 19, 20 and 21 August, 2019. Sir’s style was very unique and he give many example of all the topics. Sir’s teaching style is different. Sir give Net/Slet information how remember the history.

During all the session learn many things. Sir taught many things in the detail. First I learn is Orientalism. Orientalism defined by Edward said, “is the western attitude that views eastern societies as exotic, primitive and inferior”. Orient means construct. Orient is an integrate part of European, material civilization and a culture. Orientalism is not Idea but orientalism is a discourse. Orientalism is a style of thought based upon an ontological and epistemology distinction between orient and “occident”. Diaspora means, “from the Greek word meaning ‘to Scatter’, a diaspora is defined as a community of people who do not live in their heritage in a new land”. Diaspora is relook for the globalisation. In his introductory essay to the book on Diaspora and transnationalism in this book, the current literature recognizes that they refer to cross-border process while the changing contours of the diaspora and its profusion. Diaspora is idea of the community and it is a problem. Because diaspora increasingly now a days.  

The four essay in this paper. First is Black Skin, white Mask: Frantz Fanon, Second is A Tempest : Aime Cesaire, third is Orientalism : Edward Said and Fourth is Imaginary Homelands : Salman Rushdie.   Here I talked about the Black Skin white mask by Frantz Fanon in this essay we see many point like Marxism and racism. We see Eight chapter in this essay. The first chapter is The Black man and Language in this chapter we see the standardization. The black man has two dimensions one with fellows the other with the white man. Fanon  noticed that when people came back from France after receiving their university education they would speak in painfully perfect French and act as if they no longer knew creole. Why was that? Fanon found out first-hand : in France white people talk down to you if you are black. Either they speak in fake pidgin French – “why you left big savanna? Or they would act too familiar, calling you old fellow and so on. Second chapter is The woman of colour and the white man. This chapter devoted to the relations between the woman of colour and the European . we see racism in this chapter as fanon says. When women of colour go after white man and put down men of their own colour fanon says the cause is just what many of us suspect: internalized racism. Nor to do these women truly love these white men they just love their colour. They go with them not out of love but to deal with their own hang-ups about race. Fanon: it is because the black women feels inferior that she aspire to gain admittance to the white world. The third chapter is The man of colour and the white woman. In this chapter the black and white is important thing. The structure of love are not gender with the colonialism. Fourth chapter is The so-called Dependency complex of the colonized. Fanon  calls the use of black soldiers to force French rule on people of colour “the racial allocation of guilt”. Fifth chapter is The Lived Experience of the Black Man. In this chapter we see the skin colour white and black, education, achievements and talk about the negro. Fanon wants to be a man but in white world in which he lives his skin colour becomes everything more important than even his education and achievements . sixth chapter is The Negro and Psychopathology. Inn this three question.  How does one construct black consciousness?, How is the black stereotype created?, How is it reinforced through medveims ?. seventh chapter is the black man and recognition. In this chapter we see the idea of recognition understand by the structure. Preoccupied with self-evaluation and with the ego-idea. And optical desire if that you can’t understand the self-evaluation. eighth and the last chapter is By way of conclusion. Fanon doesn’t want to be a black man, he wants to be a man, plain and simple. He ask a question Why not simply try to touch the other, feel the other, discover each other?. The social revolution can’t draw its poetry from the past, but only from the future.                 

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