Friday, April 5, 2019

Development of Poetry in Romantic Age  
         Prepared by: Richa Pandya
           M.A. English Semester – 2
                 Roll no- 28
Enrolment No: – 206910842019003
Email id:
Batch: 2018- 20
Submitted to: S. B. Gardi Department of English, MKBU
Paper no- 5 The Romantic Literature
Topic: Development of Poetry in Romantic age

The first half of the nineteenth century records the triumph  of romanticism in Literature and democracy in government; and the two movement are so closely associated, in so many nations and in so many periods of history, that one must wonder if there be not some relation of cause and effect between them just as we understand the tremendous energizing influence of puritanism in the matter of English liberty by remembering that the common people had begun to read, and that their book was the Bible, so we may understand this age of popular government by remembering that the chief subject of romantic literature was the essential nobleness of common men and the value of the individual.
Historical Summary
The period we are considering begins in the latter of the reign of George III and ends with the accession of Victoria in 1837.  When on a foggy morning in November 1783,  King George entered the House of Lords and in a trembling voice recognized the independence of the united state of America, he unconsciously proclaimed the triumph of that free government by free man which had been the ideal of English literature for more than thousand years; though it was not till 1832, when the reform bill became the law of the land, that England herself learned the lesson taught her by America, and became the Democracy of which  had always dreamed.
The French Revolution
The half century between these two events in one of great turmoil, yet of steady advance in every department of English life. The strom centre  of the political unrest was the French Revolution, that frightful uprising which proclaimed the natural rights of man and the abolition of class distinction. Young England, led by pitt the younger, hailed the new French republic and offered it friendship; old England, which pardons no revolution but her own, looked with horror on the turmoil in France and misled by Burke and the nobles of the realm, Forced the two nations into war.
Economic Condition 
The cause of this threatened revolution were not political but economic. By her inventions in steel and machinery, and by her monopoly of the carrying trade, England had become “the workshop of the world.” Her wealth had increased beyond her wildest dreams; but the unequal distribution of that wealth was spectacle to make angles weep. The invention of machinery at first threw thousands of skilled hand workers out of employment; In order to protect of skilled hand workers out of employment in order to protect a few agriculturists, heavy duties were imposed on corn and wheat and bread rose to famine prices just when labouring men had the least money to pay for it. While England increased in wealth  and while nobles, landowners, manufacturers and merchants lived in increasing luxury, a multitude of skilled laborers were clamoring for work. Father sent their wives and little children into the mines and factories, where sixteen hour’s labour would hardly pay for the daily bread ; and in every large city were riotous mobs made up chiefly of hungry men and women.
Characteristics of the age.
Romantic Enthusiasm
An Age of Poetry
Women as Novelists
The Modern Magazine
Romantic Enthusiasm
The essence of Romanticism  was that literature must reflect all that is spontaneous and unaffected in nature and man. In the age of Romanticism ,we can see this independence expressed in Coleridge's “Kubla Khan” and “The Rime of Ancient Mariner”. These two are dream picture- one dealing with the orient and the other of a lonely sea. In Wordsworth this literature independence led-him inward to the heart of common thing. These two great poets,Coleridge and Wordsworth represent the Romantic genius of the age.
An Age of Poetry
The Romantic age is basically an age of poetry. The previous century the Neo-classical age was largely the age of prose. While during the age of Romanticism the young writer turn to poetry as a happy man o singing.  The glory of this age can be found in the poetry of Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Keats and Shelly. Romantic poetry is a spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling. The Romantic poet is gifted with a strong “Organic Sensibility”.
Women as Novelists
For the first time woman took importance role in contribution to the English literature. This age was highly emotion as the woman are more emotional. This spirit of this age gave then the opportunity to expressed themselves in literature. One of the first important woman writer is Mrs.Anne, Jane Austin etc... Her novel become very popular and impress.
The Modern Magazines
The Modern magazines were the important medium which has given a chance to new poets to express their skill of writing snd knowledge of poetry. There were some important Magazines like, 
     1.    Blackwood’s Magazine (1817)
     2.    Edinburgh Review (1802)
     3.    The Quarterly Review (1808)
Poet of the Age

William Wordsworth
Wordsworth was a major figure of the Romantic Poetry. He was considered as English Romantic Poet. He was also a Britain 's poet laureate. His poetry was a collection of all the Romantic characteristics and his treatment towards the Romantic elements. He stands as most important figure of Romantic Poet. There are many reasons that wordsworth considered as Romantic Poet. He was a pioneer of Romantic Movement. It was a reaction against a Classical Poetry. It was beginning in 19th century. It was begins with the publication of the "Lyrical Ballads ". There are many reasons for which proves Wordsworth as a Romantic Poet. During Romantic Age Poet uses imagination as a tool of their poetry. They emphasise more on use of imagination rather than reality. Wordsworth also uses Imagination into his poetry. There are many works of Wordsworth with is based on the use of high imagination. Many of his poems are based on the use of imaginary. He creates the sequence of pictures through his use of imagination.
Wordsworth considered as Nature poet because most of his poetry based on the Natural element. He saw Nature in both ways as healing power and teacher or Moral guardian. Nature considered as living personality into his poems. This thing reflect into his poem : " I wondered lonely as a cloud”. In this poem reflect the Nature. It has a extremely simple laguage. Through this shows the poet’s wandering and his discovery of a field of daffodils by a lake .the memory of which pleases him and also   comforts him when he is lonely, bored, or restless.He has a emotional reaction against this Natural scene and he later remember it with a great pleasure. He uses a simple laguage with can be understood by anyone. Wordsworth describe about  nature as a "never did betray the heart that loved her". So through he shows the importance of Nature.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Coleridge was a famous literary critic, philosopher. He was a  friend of William Wordsworth He was a main founder of the Romantic Movement in England. He was also a member of the Lake Poets. His famous poems are The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and Kubla Khan and also he was famous for his  prose work Biographia Literaria. He was considered as a best Romantic Poet as like Wordsworth. Here many characteristics which can be seen Coleridge  as the Romantic poet. Supernaturalism is the famous characteristic of Coleridge 's poetry. He was famous for using super natural elements in his poems. He attempts to draw the supernatural into his poetry in  a convincingly . It becomes compelled to take it for real amd natural by willingly suspending disbeliefs. This thing is created most appropriately in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. It is a good example of using Supernatural elements in poem.
Coleridge considered as  the most imaginative mind amongst the Romantic poets. Coleridge was  good at portraying vivid imagery into his poems. He has the power to transport the audience in his magination by convincing the people  to accept no-existent things  as real. This is the remarkable quality which makes  Coleridge to incorporate convincing people for the element of mystery. For example: in his poem Kubla khan. Into this poem he describe Kubla Khan’s palace as a effective way that it  forces the reader to believe in its existence. So he has such a great imagination power which make the things real that not exist in Real world.
So the Wordsworth and Coldridge considered as a best representation of Romantic Poetry. Through their works they consider as a best poet among the Romantic poets. Their poetry including all the characteristics of Romantic Poetry. They both created a remarkable position in Romantic Poetry.

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