Thursday, November 15, 2018

Paradise Lost

Paradise Lost

About Author 
John Milton, English poet, pamphleteer, and historian, is best known for writing "Paradise Lost," widely regarded as the greatest epic poem in English.John Milton is best known for Paradise Lost, widely regarded as the greatest epic poem in English. Together with Paradise Regained, it formed his reputation as one of the greatest English writers. In his prose works he advocated the abolition of the Church of England. His influence extended through the English civil wars and also to the American and French revolutions.John Milton was born in London on December 9, 1608 to John and Sara Milton. He had an older sister Anne, and a younger brother Christopher, and several siblings who died before reaching adulthood. As a child, John Milton attended St. Paul’s School, and in his lifetime he learned Latin, Greek, Italian, Hebrew, French, and Spanish. He attended Christ’s College, Cambridge, graduating in 1629 with a Bachelor of Arts degree, and 1632 with a Master of Arts.After Cambridge, Milton spent six years living with his family in Buckinghamshire and studying independently. In that time, he wrote “On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity,” “On Shakespeare,” “L’Allegro,” “Il Penseroso,” and "Lycidas," an elegy in memory of a friend who drowned.

   Paradise lost is an epic poem in blank verse by the john Milton in 17th century.  The first version published in 1667. It is considered by critics to be Milton’s major work. The poem concerns the ‘Biblical’ story of the fall of man. In the paradise Lost divine perspective were retold from the human perspective.
 Question 1. Write a critical note on the character of Eve
  Eve is the central character of the book no. XI. She is created of Adam’s rib as his helpmeet. When Satan see her first time for a while he forget about his revenge. Satan overcome by her beauty but she is not as strong physically or intellectual as Adam and she seduced by Satan and eats the fruit of the tree of knowledge. First she made some argue with Satan:
       “But if this tree we may not taste nor touch, God so commanded, and left that command sole daughter of his voice: the rest, we live law to ourselves; our reason in our law”?
  Milton has portrayed weakness of women through the character of Eve. She persuade by Satan. Milton shows role of woman in society.
2. Whose arguments did you find more convincing?
 In Milton’s paradise lost book XI , three main characters lively
Ø Eve
Ø Adam
Ø Satan
According to me Eve’s argument more convincing because we find logic in her argument. She was talking with Satan. She is not accept him he says but she asked question to him. Eve tried to convincing him by saying that she awared about it but she wanted to proved herself that satan should attack her alone. While serpent came and started overpraising her as he wanted to lead towards the tree of knowledge. She bravely denied to eat the fruit .but in the end she eat a fruit. After the test of fruit she say about the fruit.
This Tree is not, as we are told, a tree
Of danger tasted, not to evil unknown
Opening the way, but of divine effect
To open eyes, and make them gods who taste;
And hath been tasted such.
 After this argument by eve. we can say her argument is convincing.

   3.  How do you look at the Divine perspective in genesis of the bible and human perspective in john Milton’s paradise lost book XI.

God was at the center and human beings like as puppet. Book XI based on the holy book Bible. When we see the name of Bible we something new about in the story we saw a about the god. Here Bible represent God centric world. We find the  god’s creation of forbidden tree”Fall of Man” . God curse her also her children for her disobedience work. In Genesis, god “created man in his own image of god he created him, male and female he created them”.

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