Sunday, August 26, 2018

Metaphysical Poetry

* Metaphysical poetry means, “Highly Intellectualized poetry marked by bold and ingenious conceits, incongruous imagery, complexity and subtlety of thought, frequent use of paradox, and often by deliberate harshness or rigidity of expression.”
* “The poets wrote introspective meditations on love, death, God and human frailty. These poems are famous for their difficulty and obscurity”.

             Meaning of word Metaphysical
Metaphysical means in Greek Prefix ‘Meta means Beyond’ and ‘Physical means Nature’. Its synonym in Latin based word Supernatural.
             Characteristics of Metaphysical Poetry
·       Analyse the subject matter from an intellectual viewpoint.
·   Heavy use of literary devices, like paradox, pun and irony to convey the subject matter.
·       Random or irregular style.
                       Metaphysical poet
1. John Donne
2. Andrew Marvell
3. George Herbert and
4. Richard Crashaw
5. Henry Vaughan
6. Abraham Cowley
7. John Cleveland
8. Edward Benlowes
                            John Donne
He was born in London In 1573. He was son of a Rich Iron Merchant. He was an English poet and clerk in the church of the England. He is Considered the Pre-Emient Representative of the metaphysical poet. He wrote secular poems. He is particular famous for his mastery of metaphysical conceits. He was died in 1631.
John Donne’s Poetry
·       The Flea
·       The Ecstasy
·       The Dream
·       Song: Sweetest Love I Do Not Go
·       Death, be not Proud
               Sweetest Love I Do Not Go
In this Song addressed by a lover to his beloved when the moment comes for him to part with his beloved by the way of death. The lover tries to convince her not to be said by the giving example of the sun. With example of sun the lover try to compare with sun. when sun rise in morning and sun rise in morning and set in evening as he comeback. In this poem sings the glory of immortal love nothing can separate those lovers whose love is true.   

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