Sunday, August 26, 2018

Doctor Faustus by Cristopher Marlowe

'' Doctor Faustus " is the most famous play. It was written     by '' Christopher Marlowe''. He was a most famous play
         Here I am discuss about 4 question which was given
          by our sir.
   1. The play director by Matthew Dunster for global the
       theatre ends with this scene .What does it singnify?          

   In this play we see in last scene Lucifer came with wide
            Wings and he was very excited and happy he win so he 
             Become a more powerful so, a wide white wing signify 
            Sign of victory. This play based on Christian morality.
            In end of the play Evil wins and good thing fail. So, the
           Lucifer came with wide wing and try to show his 
        2. Is god present in the play? If yes, where & how? If no
                  Yes, according to me god is present in whole during
                   the play. God is present in good angel and evil
                   angel because every one has in inner side god is
                    always present. In the end of the play Faustus
                    remain to the god and say to forgive him n save
                    his life. So according to me god is present in during the whole play. 
3. What reading and interpretation can be given to this image (see the image of Dadelus and Icarus ) with refrence to central theme of the play Dr.faustus?
 This image based on the Greek mythlogy. This story about father dadelus and son Icarus. Icarus say to his father to he wants to fly in the sky. So, his father made a wax wing for his son and say to him don’t go near to the Sun because heat of the sun the wing melt and he fall down. When Icarus and Dadelus start to fly and they reached near the sun and their wing start melting and they fall down on the earth. In this image we see Icarus and Dadelus fall down . This scene also included in seven dadely scene.
4. How do you Important this painting?
 This painting painted by “Pieter Brugel”. This image known as “Landscape with the fall of Icarus”. In this painting we see everybody do their work. In this painting painter included all naturel thing water, cloud, mountain, animal, tree everything.  After class discussion I got an idea about this painting. This image based on the ‘Greek myth’. The story about the father Dadelus and son Icarus. They fall down in the water. We see one leg near the ship that leg is Icarus leg. So according to me this painting based on Greek myth.

Metaphysical Poetry

* Metaphysical poetry means, “Highly Intellectualized poetry marked by bold and ingenious conceits, incongruous imagery, complexity and subtlety of thought, frequent use of paradox, and often by deliberate harshness or rigidity of expression.”
* “The poets wrote introspective meditations on love, death, God and human frailty. These poems are famous for their difficulty and obscurity”.

             Meaning of word Metaphysical
Metaphysical means in Greek Prefix ‘Meta means Beyond’ and ‘Physical means Nature’. Its synonym in Latin based word Supernatural.
             Characteristics of Metaphysical Poetry
·       Analyse the subject matter from an intellectual viewpoint.
·   Heavy use of literary devices, like paradox, pun and irony to convey the subject matter.
·       Random or irregular style.
                       Metaphysical poet
1. John Donne
2. Andrew Marvell
3. George Herbert and
4. Richard Crashaw
5. Henry Vaughan
6. Abraham Cowley
7. John Cleveland
8. Edward Benlowes
                            John Donne
He was born in London In 1573. He was son of a Rich Iron Merchant. He was an English poet and clerk in the church of the England. He is Considered the Pre-Emient Representative of the metaphysical poet. He wrote secular poems. He is particular famous for his mastery of metaphysical conceits. He was died in 1631.
John Donne’s Poetry
·       The Flea
·       The Ecstasy
·       The Dream
·       Song: Sweetest Love I Do Not Go
·       Death, be not Proud
               Sweetest Love I Do Not Go
In this Song addressed by a lover to his beloved when the moment comes for him to part with his beloved by the way of death. The lover tries to convince her not to be said by the giving example of the sun. With example of sun the lover try to compare with sun. when sun rise in morning and sun rise in morning and set in evening as he comeback. In this poem sings the glory of immortal love nothing can separate those lovers whose love is true.   

post Truth

                                                                      Post Truth
   Post truth meaning in Dictionary of Cambridge means,
 “Relating to a situation in which people are more likely to accept an argument based on their emotion and beliefs, rather than one based on facts”.
    ‘Post truth’ was selected word of the year for 2016 by the Oxford English dictionary.
      The idea of using post truth in your favour is very popular now a days, especially in media and politics. And generally speaking a normal human being takes lots of decisions by post truth. Whether it’s about deciding to give a vote in election or to judge someone on social media.
   Nowadays we live with this thing. Every-day we pass with this thing Post truth. Our life and also our Nation surrounded by this thing.

     Because our political party is the best example of the post truth because when Election came they give to people big promise. After the election they never full-fill all the promise. They do this thing in every Election n make people fool.   

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