Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Powerful Tool for Teaching and Learning web 2.0 Tools

                    Powerful Tool for Teaching
                       Learning web 2.0 Tools

Image result for web 2.0 tool


Coursera is an American online learning platform founded in 2012 by Stanford professors Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller that offers massive open online courses (MOOC), specializations, and degrees.
Coursera works with universities and other organizations to offer online courses, specializations, and degrees in a variety of subjects, such as engineeringdata sciencemachine learningmathematicsbusinesscomputer sciencedigital marketinghumanitiesmedicinebiologysocial sciences, and others. Coursera was founded in 2012 by Stanford University computer science professors Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller. Ng and Koller were inspired by their experiences offering their Stanford courses online in fall 2011, and soon after left Stanford to launch Coursera. Princeton, Stanford, the University of Michigan and the University of Pennsylvania were the first universities to offer content on the platform.
What is Web 2.0 Tool?
This web is intended as simple introduction to some free web 2.0 type tools that can by used by teacher who are interested in using technology in language teaching. The tools presented here are just the tip of the iceberg and this should not be considered in anyway conclusive or even the ‘Best of’ web 2.0 tools. New tools are emerging all the time, many got originally intended for education, but which can be put to good use by student and teachers alike to extent opportunities, enhance learning potential and develop the level of digital literacy that student will need for the 21st century.  

Courser is powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning web 2.0 Tools. This tool help to teaching and learning. In first video we see the Web 2.0 tool to explore and reflect on how might integrate it in a lesson and implement it in the classroom. Like this tool many another web help learning. You tube, Blogger, slide share , Flubaroo, Penzu, Voxopop, Listen and write and many other.  All the tool different of each other. In every tool different  skill learn in some tool learning skill, in some speaking, in some tool writing and in another tool reading skill learn. In Penzu we learn the writing skill. We use Penzu in learn the create digital Material, Writing Portfolio, development  journal, Lesson summary, Model process writing, Lerner Diaries and Action research feedback.

In Voxopop learn the speaking skill. In this tool user record their speaking to listen and respond to other. User use Voxopop in Discussion Points, Narrative building, dictation, pronunciation drills and true false statement. In this way Voxopop help in learn speaking skill. Like this courser help this thing by the video. In the video we see all thing and learn the things. In video they explain all the thing.    


Wikipedia contributors. "Coursera." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 4 Mar. 2020. Web. 11 Mar. 2020.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Assignment : Portrayal of Women in Indian Cinema

Prepared by: Richa Pandya

M.A. English Semester – 4

Roll no- 26
Enrolment No: – 206910842019003
Batch: 2018- 20
Submitted to: S. B. Gardi Department of English, MKBU
Paper no- 15 Mass – Media

Topic: Portrayal of Women in Indian cinema


Image result for mass media

My topic is women in Indian Cinema. I cover the how the Indian cinema portray women. How the camera move in cinema. The position of the woman in Indian cinema. In which movie the women get important. Also I take women in the advertisement and the banner of the school or the tuition class. How the  character  of women show in a movie. Movie how the define women character.  The only female actress’s movies impact on the Indian cinema. The public response on  that movie in which the hero/male not in the movie Only women/actress in the movie. I talk about the female centric movie.

in the late 20th century, mass media could be classified into eight mass media industries: books, the Internet, magazines, movies, newspapers, radio, recordings, and television. The explosion of digital communication technology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries made prominent the question: what forms of media should be classified as "mass media"? For example, it is controversial whether to include cell phonescomputer games  and video games in the definition. In the 2000s, a classification called the "seven mass media" became popular. In order of introduction, they are:
1.  Print (bookspamphletsnewspapersmagazines, etc.) from the late 15th century
2.  Recordings (gramophone recordsmagnetic tapescassettescartridgesCDs, and DVDs) from the late 19th century
3.  Cinema from about 1900
4.  Radio from about 1910
5.  Television from about 1950 (Bagchi)
6.  Internet from about 1990
7.  Mobile phones from about 2000
In the India  Hindi cinema Is the major thing. Hindi cinema play a vital role. My topic is portrayal of women in Indian Cinema. In the movie the character of the women portrait in different way. Here I explain the women’s character in the cinema. In media, culture and the development women is the center and main point. Without the women this thing not developed or possible. Because in the every part we see the women. In the culture and developed women  is the center without the women this thing happen. Modern feminism comes into contact with traditional value. The analysis which follows tries to decipher and articulate these point of view. It also attempt to determine the ways in which these films affect the discourse generated by the women’s movement. But before the analysis we summarize the plots of this films.    

Cinema of India
The history of cinema in India extends back to the beginning of the film era. Following the screening of the Lumière and Robert Paul moving pictures in London (1896), commercial cinematography became a worldwide sensation and by mid-1896 both Lumière and Robert Paul films had been shown in BombayDadasaheb Phalke is regarded as the Father of Indian Cinema. Phalke was a visionary gifted enough to foresee the awesome potential of the film medium almost a century ago. Phalke's film 'Raja Harishchandra' was not the first ever Indian film. Rather it was Ramchandra Gopal Torne who bagged the honor by making the film Pundalik in 1912. But Dadasaheb Phalke is the true pioneer of Indian cinema for he laid the basic building blocks of the industry with his creative zeal and persistent efforts. Phalke's decision to join the film-making bandwagon was indeed a bold one, given that the global film industry spawned by the Lumiere Brothers was itself in a nascent stage. He was faced with staggering odds and cynics mocked at his efforts. But unfazed by this brutal skepticism, Dadasaheb Phalke went ahead and brought out his first film in 1913

Women in the Indian Cinema
In the cinema women portrait in different way. In some movie women in the center and the main lead in the movie. So in some movie women in the side and not important character in the movie. Public give a not big response on that movie in which only female character not a male character. The movie can’t success the  without the male/hero. In the movie the women is for the beauty and attract the people by their cloths and the role. in the movie some extent they identify area where modern feminism comes into contact with traditional value. Here I wright movies name  in which only actress. Female based movie like kahaani, Kahaani2, English Vinglish, Queen, NH10, No one killed Jesika, Nil Battey Sannata, Neerja, Mother India and Chapaak. Many other movie in which the female actress in the lead role. this all movies story is different and also a character. But the same point or the theme is women as self-centered in the movies. The many movie based on the history like Manikrna, Raazi, Mary Kom, Padmaavat. This all movie based on the historical story. In some movie women as a powerfull and some movie women like a poor.
The public not give good response on the female centric movie. People like the macho man and hero they don’t like the female centric movie. So the women centric movie can’t earn money and also not a blockbuster. In India people like heroism and the macho man. The women intelligent and clever but they not famous like the men. People want to see  actress like who entertain them, their looks, beauty, dance, always do what their husband like and always pampered their husband. People wants the women always imperial not superial. So the movie like Queen and the fashion not gate good response. Because in the movie director show female as a free minded and portrait as a free and free to what they like. So the people can’t give a good response because they don’t want to see a women in this way.
In the movie women portrait in good way. Show a women as a modern, free minded and on the high power position. In some movie women as a superior than the male like Mardani, Raazi and Nirja in this movie women in power and fight with the problem. Here I take one example of recently released movie Chhapaak. In this movie Deepika’s character of Lakshmi she is a victim of the acid attack. In this movie Deepika play a role of Lakshmi she show the how she feel and how she survival when attack on her. Deepika play a good role of her but people not give good response because in this movie Deepika is looking not beautiful. Because she do a roll of acid attacked victim so she wear a mask. And the mask is burn skin so her beauty is not show on the movie. So the Deepika not get success in this role. on this movie we see the mind set of the people. The story on the real acid attack but people choose the beauty not real story and also watch victims survive.
Cinema portrait women in a both way. In good way r in a bed way. The both side of the cinema show of the women. I Hindi cinema movie the Mother India. In thjis movie main character is Radha (played by Nargis Dutt). She married with Shamoo(played by Raj Kumar). In this movie Radha portrait as a good wife, Good Daughter In-law , mother women. After the Shamoo died she take all responsibility on her shoulder. Radha show as socialist working women and a traditional Indian women. She take care of her son Birjoo and Ramoo. When his son Birjoo bducts a woman from her marriage, Radha takes a stand and tells him to return the girl or she will shoot him. Radha’s act of unity with the girl being abducted is not because of any attachment but an act of unity with the whole of womanhood. In this movie we see the women portrait both way as a working women and homemaker. When the shamoo with them Radha only do a house hold works and when he go after that she stat working in the farm. We see the portrayal of women when her husband with her and when he not with her. See the mind set of the people.The Hindi movie Ki and Ka in this movie the story is different. In this movie the character of the women is a different. The woman character is doing work in office and the man doing work in the home. Some people appreciate this movie and some criticized this movie     
In Gujarati movies
In Gujarati movie we see the women and their position. In old movies we see the women do a house hold works and in the house. The women are in the laj. They never show their face their Father in-law. In movie like Maiyar Ma Mandu Nathi lagtu, Mota ghar ni vahu in this movie women in the house and in the laj. They never go out from the without the permission of her husband or mother in-law. They are traditional Indian women. These are the old movies but in the present time Gujarati movies are different. In present time Gujarati movie represent the women empowerment. They portrait women in free and modern. In present time the Gujarati movie change the way of portrait of women in cinema. In these movie women fight with the problem and against the violence. The movie like “Hellaro”. In this movie we see the women fight with the male by the help of the Garba. The Garba is a dance form of the Gujarat. In this movie women practice of the Garba in desert. In the end of the movie the women from the all the male. Gujarati movie change the show of the Women. The perspective of the portrayal women in the movie is change. In many other movie show women powerful and intelligent.    
Camera moves on the women body
In the cinema camera moves on the women body different way. The take a shot of women body in different way. Camera show women body in bed way. camera moves on the body of women to impress and attract the people. People attract the body of women. Camera start the shoot from down to up on the body. In cinema never show a face of the women direct. Camera moves on the full body of the women and then in the end face show. This thing is unnecessary why camera move like this. This is not important thing. Important thing is the women roll and her position. Attract the people they take women’s part of body which open and people like that scene. In the dancing female character most of the in the item song. The song attract and the movie become a blockbuster. Camera move in different on the male body and the female body.   
Men in most societies were seen as breadwinners while role of women was restricted to being a good homemaker and a good mother. This applies to women in a highly patriarchal society of India. As societies entered the world of modernization, the role of women changed dramatically. Media played an important role in the modernization of societies and greatly affected the image of women in today’s modern world. A number of researches have been done on the role of women in different societies. However little has been said about the importance of films in portraying women in shifting roles over different decades and the impact it has on societies in general. Over past decades, Indian cinema has witnessed a significant transformation in the way women are portrayed through films. Contemporary films portray women as more independent, confident, and career oriented This article deals with these fast changing role of women portrayed in Indian cinema and its influence on the patriarchal Indian society with a focus on some representative Bollywood films. The aim is to link the changing character played by women in films with the emerging status of women in India, as films are a reflection of changes in the social structure.

Works Cited

Bagchi, Amitabha. 18 12 1996. 7 3 2020. <>.
Wikipedia contributors. "Mass media." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 28 Jan. 2020. Web. 8 Mar. 2020.
Jump up to:a b "Dadasaheb Phalke Father of Indian Cinema". Retrieved 1 November 2012.

Assignment : The Magistrate’s Identity in a Colonial Context

Prepared by: Richa Pandya
M.A. English Semester – 4
Roll no- 26

 Enrolment No: – 206910842019003

Batch: 2018- 20

Submitted to: S. B. Gardi Department of English, MKBU
 Paper no- 13 The New Literature 

Topic:  The Magistrate’s Identity in a Colonial Context

Image result for african literature


Waiting for the Barbarians, Nobel laureate John Maxwell Coetzee’s 1980 novel, centers around racial strife and power struggles in a fictional colonial village. Though the colonial Empire and the land’s native population are never identified, it is generally understood that the novel was written to reflect the political situation of South Africa. In Waiting for the Barbarians, Coetzee explores both the violence and terror inherent in a colonial system from the perspective of a deeply conflicted representative of that system.

About the Novel
The main protagonist of the novel is a nameless civil servant, who serves as magistrate to a frontier settlement owned by a nameless empire. The Empire, a vague colonialist regime, sets itself in opposition to the “barbarians,” mysterious nomadic peoples who live in the wild lands bordering the Empire. The magistrate is looking forward to a quiet retirement, and hopes to live out his last years of service without anything too eventful happening—he spends his free time looking for ruins in the desert and trying to interpret pieces of pottery he finds. His life falls into disarray, however, when a Colonel Joll arrives at his fort. There’s been fear recently brewing in the Empire’s capital that the “barbarians” are plotting a full-scale offensive, and Joll has been sent to investigate whether this is true. But his methods of investigation are brutal, and they deeply disturb the magistrate. Joll employs vicious torture tactics, which seem to force his victims into fabricating information that confirms his hypothesis, just in order to cease the pain. One such victim, a young barbarian girl, whose father died at the hands of Joll and his interrogation assistants, ends up playing a central role in the magistrate’s life. After her release, he sees her begging on the streets of the fort; her ability to walk and to see have been greatly hindered by Joll’s torture techniques.
The magistrate takes the girl in, hiring her as a cook and maid, but their relationship quickly moves from professional to sexual—from being motivated by the good will of the magistrate to more questionable intentions. Over time, the magistrate grows frustrated with the barbarian girl, finding her personality enigmatic and impenetrable. He begins to have anxiety over the meaning of his own sexuality. Eventually, he decides to take the girl back to her people. The magistrate then assembles a team of two other soldiers, several horses, and a stock of supplies, and heads out on a grueling journey into dangerous wintry storms in the desert. Eventually, Mandel and most of the soldiers return to the capital, and many of the fort’s inhabitants follow. The magistrate regains his former position, and stability among the settlement returns. The novel ends as the magistrate tries to write the history of the settlement, but he finds himself unable to. 

Character of Magistrate

The magistrate transforms from an old man living a peaceful life to an outspoken opponent of the Empire that employs him. His transition highlights how individual members of a majority population passively benefit from the violent colonization or oppression of minority populations. They benefit even if they haven't partaken in the oppression themselves. The magistrate's character indicates how there are no innocent parties in government oppression. At the beginning of the novel, the magistrate works for the Empire, enforcing laws without question. When Colonel Joll arrives and begins torturing prisoners, the magistrate feels uncomfortable with the injustice but allows it for the sake of hospitality to Joll. The magistrate houses one of Joll's torture victims, a nomad girl, whom he massages although he gets no sexual pleasure out of the act. He eventually decides to return the girl to her family. When he arrives back at town, the Empire has issued a warrant for the magistrate's arrest, alleging his collusion with the enemy. The magistrate is imprisoned, beaten, and tortured before the army eventually abandons the town. The magistrate resumes his former position but as a changed man. The magistrate therefore has the makings of an outcast within him from the start of the novel, and his willingness to vocalize his dissent to the various executors of the Empire’s military will ultimately solidifies him in that role. The magistrate’s inner character is also shaped by a complicated relationship with his sexuality. His attraction to the barbarian girl baffles and frustrates him, as it makes him realize just how little control he has over his own sexual desire. The opacity of her personality infuriates him; he feels unable to get past her cold surface and have a deeper connection with her. The magistrate wants to uncover the untold history of her past—to understand and envision her before she was marked by the trauma of Joll’s torture tactics—but he ultimately fails in excavating her psyche as deeply as he wishes. 

Magistrate as a post-modern identity
Character of  Magistrate as a post-modern identity living in a colonial context. The Magistrate establishes his identity in the novel as an intermediary figure between two opposing polemics: the colonizer and the colonized. Though he works for the colonizers and carries out their colonial duties in the unnamed colony, the Magistrate inconsistently appears sympathetic with the natives whom the colonizers usually describe as barbarian. The Magistrate spends around thirty years in the colony, so that he himself achieves a sort of identification with the colonized. He becomes aware of the injustice of colonization and rejects it at the end as he narrates the events that led him to such conclusion. Thus, the main argument of this paper is that the character of the Magistrate suffers a mixture of post-modern characteristics of alienation, lack of cultural belonging, insecurity, double consciousness, and fragmented power relations that are brought about as a result of his awareness of the evil of colonization.  Sunglass of the magistrate is one of the symbol of the novel. It show the post – modern identity. His sunglass show the   strong identification with them to a point that he “opposed to civilization” of the colonizer. The Magistrate’s presence in the novel as a trapped figure becomes ironic. He is the one who is supposed to regulate the business of the Empire in that place, but, ironically, he can manage nothing in Colonel Joll’s presence. The Magistrate’s double awareness of fragmented positionality adds more to the conflict of his identity. He lives in a real conflict concerning the way he deals with Colonel Joll, the military violent version of colonialism. This conflict leads to constructing the Magistrate’s double consciousness that grows to dominate a large portion of his identity. W. E. Du Bois (1969) uses the term of double consciousness to describe the African American identity that may also suffer division and inconsistency since such identity’s belonging is divided. The Magistrate himself is struggling whether it is appropriate for him to take sides with the colonized or to stay loyal to the tyranny of the colonizer. He is torn between these two poles that generate his crisis of conscience. The way he asks the boy in prison to tell the truth has two layers. On the surface, you feel that he is just like a compassionate father who is taking care of his children, but the truth of the matter seems to be the opposite. He is an advocate of diplomacy and leniency with prisoners in order to know the truth. He himself expresses such awareness as he says: “it has not escaped me that an interrogator can wear two masks, speak with two voices, one harsh, one seductive. The Magistrate himself establishes his existence in the colony as a colonizer when he says in chapter five of the novel: “I was the lie that Empire tells itself when times are easy, he [Joll] the truth that Empire tells when harsh wind blow. Such power presence and absence correspond to the Magistrate’s conflict of identity in terms of loyalty to either side. When Colonel Joll is away chasing the native invaders of the Empire, as he claims, the Magistrate stays at the frontier managing business for the Empire. He feels he has more power to speak and, sometimes, to take action than when the Colonel is there. He gets mad when the Colonel sends him fishermen to be held and publicly describes him as “ridiculous”. Actually, this scene in which he is bathing her reminds us of a warm mother bathing her child in the tub. The child will be delighted while his mother is caressing his body. He will feel secure. This time it is the Magistrate who feels secure and is taken away into the realm of the unconscious as he is doing that. In this context, he says: “I lose myself in the rhythm of what I am doing. I lose awareness of the girl herself. There is a space of time which is blank to me: perhaps I am not even present”. As a result of the security he feels with the barbarian girl, he immediately falls asleep with no nightmares this time. Though he takes care of her body, but he doesn’t abuse or misuse her. Rather, he feels “no desire to enter this stocky little body glistening by now in the firelight”.
We see the character of the Magistrate as post-modern identity. The main part is the his dream sequence. In his dream sequence he saw the many things. At the end of the novel and in its last chapter, the whole place turns into a mess as the colonizer loses control and the soldiers themselves turn into thieves. The Magistrate refuses to leave the place and decides to tell the truth.


Works Cited

Al-Badarneh, Abdullah F. "Waiting for the Barbarians: The Magistrate’s Identity in a Colonial Context." International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 3 (2013): 6. 8 3 2020. <>.

Course Hero. 5 11 2018. 8 3 2020. <>.

Iffland, William. LitCharts. 31 3 2017. 8 3 2020. <>.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Assignment : Self – Help in ON@TCC

Prepared by: Richa Pandya
M.A. English Semester – 4
  Roll no- 26
 Enrolment No: – 206910842019003
 Email id:
                  Batch: 2018- 20
Submitted to: S. B. Gardi Department of English, MKBU
 Paper no- 13 The New Literature 

Topic: Self – Help in  ON@TCC

Image result for self help book

One night at the Call Center is written by Chetan Bhagat who is one of the most famous novelist In modern era. He wrote four more novels those are five point someone, The three mistake of my life, Revolution 2020, 2 State. One Night at the Call center is the novel based on the life of People of middle class Family in India and their Problems. It is a story of emotions which shoes pity, love, sorrow and ambitions. It denotes to the many aspect of human life. It deals with the expectation of people and the frustration after not fulfilling them.
The story of One night at call center moves around six people. There are male and three and females. All of them are working in a same group in a call center. They all are different from each other but they have a similarity in them that all of them are fed up with their lives and their lives are very messy. This story is about a night at call center which changes the lives of all the people, not lives actually it changes their way of thinking. It changes their way to deal with the problems of their lives. Shyam Mehra is the narrator of the story and is the main character of the story. He is very much confused in his life. He is a very simple boy. He loves Priyanka who has got engaged with Ganesh and NRI boy. He is sad because of it and second thing is that he thinks that his boss has cheated him and Varun. Varun is a friend of Shyam and does  not want to do the job but he wanted to keep up his standard up so he has to work there. Priyanka’s mother wants her to marry Ganesh next month but she does not want. She still feels something for Shyam. Later on Shyam tell her about the baldness of Ganesh who hid this from her. Esha sing or Eliza is an ambitious girl who wants to become a model. She runs away from house and join call center in order to fulfill her dreams. She does many compromises. But she is bluffed by a man who said her that she is not suitable for being a model. Her life represent the ambitious middle class youth who are running after blind race of materialism. Radhika’ s call name is Regima Jones. She is married. She is not happy with her mother in law. She loves her husband a lot but when she comes to know that on a radio program he selects an another girl over her. She gets very upset. Military uncle is the oldest person in call center but he is living a long life. His heart cries for his grandson but he gets more upset when his grandson asks him to stop mailing him. In this way everyone in the call center is fed up with his life but one day at the way everyone in the call center is fed up  with his life but one day at night everyone receives a call from God. God motivates everyone and tells the way to handle their problem. He suggest  them to face the problem and to do 100% of effort. After receiving the call the life of everyone is changed. Everyone starts facing the problem with full of courage and finds out the best solution. Here I talk about the character and brief story about the novel. Now I talk about the hope and despair in the Novel.
History of Self – Help
Self – help has been around for thousands of year, and it has been loved and hated for just as long. the earliest progenitor of self –help bool was an Ancient Egyptian genre called “ Sebayt”, an instructional literature on life. A letter of advice from father to son, The Maxims of Ptahotep, written circa 2800 B.C., advocated moral behavior and self-control. Ancient Greek texts offered meditations, aphorisms and maxims on the best ways to live.
# The Self-help principles
The explain of key self – help principals presented here Is followed by a preliminary outline of how the principals might be applied to some contemporary problems. But first a statement of the basic contemporary problems. But first a statement of the basic conceptualization that drives the whole movement.
The Self-Help Paradigm
Self help has revolutionized the concept of help. A traditional definition of help states that “it is an action that has a consequence of providing some benefits to or improving the well – being of another person. The problem with his formulation is that omits a vast area of help-getting that is the result of giving help. In self-help, people with problems are potential help-givers, more interdependent than dependent. It changes the helper ratio in various ways.
1.    The number of individuals involved exclusively in helpee roles is vastly reduced, and the number of helpers is increased dramatically.
2.    Even when receiving help, the receiver knows that tomorrow or even later in the same meeting he or she will provide help to someone else, thus removing the loss of status experienced by one who is always a receiver of help.
3.    The help-giving power of the entire unit is expanded because of the power that emanates from so many individuals playing the helping role.
The Peer Principle-Social Homogeneity.
Members of a self-help group possess social homogeneity; they share a similar condition whether it is raising grandchildren or being in debt, on welfare, an ex-offender, diabetic, gay or disabled. Members of the group understand each other as no one else can. The therapeutic effect and understanding of being helped by, and helping, someone else with the same problem is one of the key strengths of self-help.
Among young people, the operative peer principle is that they are influenced far more by each other than they are by parents, teachers, or other authority figures. They talk the same language and they listen to each other far more than to adults. They model themselves on other young people their own age.
 Self-Determination and New Forms of Participation.
Self-determination means that the activity is determined internally by the self-help "unit"-the individual, group, or community. This allows a new dimension of participatory democracy to emerge that is less concerned with issues of control or governance, and more with what the individual or group has to contribute. For example, if I consciously participate in an exercise and diet self-help group to improve my heart condition with like individuals, self-determination is immediate. In a subtle fashion, this represents an extension of democracy to direct participation involved in the work of helping. 
 self - help cultural in the novel One Night @ The Call Center.
The novel One Night @ the Call Center is a self – help book. We see the every character of the novel. The character represent the self – help point. The author ask three question in the beginning of the book and the message of the is climax pf the novel. Three question are, 1. What you fear?, 2. What you make angry?, thing that you don’t like about yourself?.  Every character suffer with something point for some reason. The novel reflect the problem of middle class family of India. The novel reflect the conteampry issue.
The self help point clear when the God’s call came. That time the story take a turn. Every one talk about their problem and they got a solution of the problem. So it was their inner voice come threw the call we an say that. They happy after call came and start new life and also save their life. The self - help means the own story say by written the people. thought the novel we see the every character say their problem. Varun say that he don’t like do job in Call Center but he did  because of he wants to live good and stranded life style that’s why he do the job. Shayam is good and simple boy. He confused in his life. He love Priyanka but he can’t say her. Esha she is young and she wants to become a model so she run away from the house. She bluffed by a man and he said she is not suitable for mode. Priyanka she love shayam. She love her mother so she ready to marriage with NRI boy Ganesh. For her mother happiness. Radhika she is married. She unhappy with her mother in low.  She also cheated by her husband. He choose another girl and hide this thing from her. Military Uncle he is one who oldest in this group. He also sad because he wants to live with his children. But his children don’t want to live with him they say don’t call them and don’t write letter.   All six character unhappy with job and life. After god call came all the problem solve.
We say that the in the end of their life they listen their inner voice. Because when the accident happen no one there and they all in danger. That time they listen their inner voice. Their inner voice convert in the God’s call. Every character their story of the problem and suffering with the problem. The whole story talk on the topic all six character’s problem and their issue. The self - help culture reflect all the character in the novel.

The novel One Night @ The Call Center is self – help book. This thing we see in the character of novel. All character suffer with the issue. God call came and novel turn the story. Self help culture show the problem of the character. 


Works Cited

4 8 2012. 8 3 2020. <>.

Frank, Riessman. Social Policy Organizing for social and Economic Justice . n.d. 7 3 2020. <>.

Shapiro, Jessica Lamb. A Short History of Self-Help, The World’s Bestselling Genre. 29 11 2013. 8 3 2020. <>.

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