Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Survey: DELL Software

Language lab

Language lab means according to Cambridge dictionary " a room in a school or college in which students can use equipment to help them practise listening to and speaking a foreign language". Language lab help to learn the main for skills. Listening , writing, speaking and reading. This four skills knowledge improve after do this activity.

Advantages of Language Learning software
1. We aware about the new words.
2. We learn the many things which we we feel we know about that thing but after this Complet the course it's broken. We think that we know about the wh question, Tense and the many things like verbs and make a sentence in proper structure.
3. In the starting of the program we see the basic information and the rules very well organized and written. After read the rules student understand the how program came and the structure of the program.

Disadvantages Language Learning software
1. This task in group task. If it's in individual task it helps a lot. In individual task the knowledge increase and the learn many things. But in group task it can't more reflect because everyone's work of style and the learning things is different.
2. The basic skills learn from the school. If the many other things include in that it's more reflects.
3. In this activity we see the students and the teacher not in front of each other. During the lecture or any activity if the teacher is present in the class or  lab thework Complet very well and it's reflect in good way.

New words

I am not aware about this words but after completing this course I aware about the words  and the meaning.

Five thing that can be learnt from  language learning software
1.       From this software improve the four skill Listening skill, speaking, Reading and writing. This four skill improve from the Language Lab.
2.       It improve the vocabulary. Many new words we  learn and aware from this software.
3.       This software help to words proper and right pronunciation.
4.       From this software  learn the many thing and also know about the self and also a self evolution.
5.       Language lab modify the phonetics.

Comparison between Language Lab and program in Dell and mobile App

This two device different from each other. The devise completely different. One devise use any time any ware. Second devise fix place. The mobile app use any time it has no fix place but the Language Lab has a fix place its can’t movable. In mobile no fix time to use because the mobile with us whenever we go mobile with us but language lab has a some fix time when we in the lab that time we use. So the both are the different. The mobile’s screen is small so some point we have problem to see a  clear  and in PC this the screen is big so we easly read and complete the work in short time  

Similarities between language lab in Dell and in Mobile App

1.       Both help to improve the basic learning skill LSRW
2.       Help to self evolution.

 Dissimilaritiesbetween language lab in Dell and in Mobile App

1.In some task we find the dissimilarities in a tab we see the images, videos and some point the fun but in language lab this things are not find.
2.language lab in that we can’t listening audio clearly but in NAMO E-Tab the voice clear and listen properly  

Monday, December 30, 2019

Thinking Activity: Mass Media and Communication

Mass media and communication 

Mass media means technology that is intended to reach a mass audience. It is the primary means of communication used to reach the vast majority of the general public. Mass media is important part of the communication. With the help of the mass media people convey their messages. Communication means  the systems and processes that are used to communicate or broadcast. 

In the present time mass media is a important tool for the communication. Without  this tool in present time people can't do any work  or any things. If the only one day the internet is off people face the many problems. So the mass media and the communication is the major part of the life. Mass media the tools are, 

#Newspapers      #AdAdvertising 
#Magazines         #Movie 
#Radio                  #web series 
#Television         #Internet
These all tool which use people every day in their life. This all tools Help to people in the get information, about the what  happene in the world this tool give the information about that. With the people pass the good message and do a  good work. but in present time the tools are the change because of the mobile phone. People can't read a newspaper or listen a radio. In this time the Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Mail. People use this platform for get information. Also a government use the mail for send the  information and the important things. Mail is very useful to send and get the information in shorts  time. Newspaper, radio, television, magazine all the things came in the one small mobile. It's save the tree,  paper and important things is it's Reduces pollution. "Mass media is a one tree and the communication is branches of the tree".

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Thinking Activity on One Night @ The Call Center

One night @ the call center novel published in October 2005. Novel written by Chetan Bhagat. Six main character in the novel. The novel based on the six character which are doing their in the one call center. Shayam and vroom are the protagonist of the novel. They all are doing job in one place; but they doing job not happily every one doing their job for some reason. But novel take turn after when the god call came. After the god’s call all character’s problem solve and all are happy in their life.

Image result for one night at call center

#About Author 
Chetan Bhagat is the author of eleven blockbuster books. These include eight novels—Five Point Someone (2004), One Night @ the Call Center (2005), The 3 Mistakes of My Life (2008), 2 States (2009), Revolution 2020 (2011), Half Girlfriend (2014)  One Indian Girl (2016)  and The Girl in Room 105 (2018)  and three non-fiction titles— What Young India Wants (2012)  Making India Awesome(2015) and India Positive (2019). Chetan’s books have remained bestsellers since their release. Five out of his eight novels have been already adapted into successful Bollywood films and the others are in process of being adapted as well. The New York Times called him the ‘the biggest selling English language novelist in India’s history’. Time magazine named him amongst the ‘100 most influential people in the world’ and Fast Company, USA, listed him as one of the world’s ‘100 most creative people in business’. Chetan writes columns for leading English and Hindi newspapers, focusing on youth and national development issues. He is also a motivational speaker and screenplay writer. Chetan quit his international investment banking career in 2009 to devote his entire time to writing and make change happen in the country. He lives in Mumbai with his wife, Anusha, an ex-classmate from IIM-A, and his twin boys, Shyam and Ishaan.

# Self – Help book
A self-help book means a book is one that is written with the intention to instruct its readers on solving personal problems. We see this thing I this novel. Chetan Bhagat very well described in this novel. This novel reflect the Indian middle class family’s problem. How middle class family survive with their problem. In this novel we see a character of Radhika and priyanka. Radhika is married she mange the house and the job of call center. Her mother don’t like her she every time try to feel her happy. And the character of priyanka she don’t want to marry early but she forced by her to marry so that she ready for the marriage. Character of Varun (Vroom) he also doing his job for some reason. He do the job because of he full fill his all needs and he afford all the thing which he wants. All the thing which involve in the self-help book. The writer Chetan Bhagat involve very well. So also we can sat the novel One Night @ the Call Center is self help book.   In short form we can say the self-help book include the personal problem and solve it in the book. Self-help book help to by the writing express the feeling and problem.

#Popular Literature
Popular literature Is fiction that does not deal with abstract problem: its takes moral principles as the given, accepting certain generalized, common-sense ideas and values as its base. The novel One Night @ the Call Center known as a popular literature. The writer Chetan Bhagat’s most of the work known as a popular literature. In Popular Literature we see the lack of the plot. In this novel we see this thing the plot is not properly. When we see the novel all time we feel the some thing is missing in the novel. In Bhagt’s novel we see the character and story saw the high level of the society. They can’t follow the tradition we see the highly philosophy. The call of the god from my point of it’s a highly a philosophy. And all the character’s problem sole after the one call and then all live happy life. This is highly philosophy.


Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Thinking activity on Arundhati Roy

Arundhati Roy born 24 November 1961. Her full name is Suzanna Arundhati Roy. she is an Indian author best known for her novel The God of Small Things (1997), which won the Man Booker Prize for Fiction in 1997 and became the biggest-selling book by a non-expatriate Indian author. She is also a political activist involved in human rights and environmental causes. She is well-known writer. Her famous two novel: 

Image result for Arundhati roy

1 The God of Small Things
2  The Ministry of Utmost Happiness

# The God of Small Things

This novel published in 1997. The God of Small Things is the debut novel of Indian writer Arundhati Roy. This novel won the booker prize in 1997. This novel on the two twins " Rahel and Estha". They separate after the 23 years. The book opens at the funeral of the twins half-British cousin sophie after the drawing.  This novel  reconstruction of the detail.  In this novel we see the tragic events and the separation of the twins. This novel reflect the India and the cast system and the main focus on the cast system. In this novel Arundhati Roy said, cast system was constitutionally abolished in 1950 and routinely marginalized people of lower casts.  In this novel Arundhati Roy talk about  'Indira gandhi's Green revolution in the 1960s, the misleadingly named green revolution.' novel reflect the Indian cast system and the difference between the auper class and the lower class.

# The Ministry of Utmost Happiness

This novel written by the Arundhati Roy and published in 2017. In this novel the main thing is  about the hero of the novel. The hero known as,
 In this novel we see how the writer describe the politic. She don't give the name of politicians but She give different name and talk about  them. She criticized them with help of the different name. Also a talk about the hero who is the hijda. HHis mother come for Prayer for his son. She not aware about the his son real thing.

# If you are asked about  Arundhati Roy, what will be your answer ?
 About the Arundhati Roy first I said that she is very  talented and the creative writer. She is  write not much work but when she write it is extraordinary and become famous for the work. Here I give  example of the Aamir khan and Arundhati Roy. She both same in their work. Aamir Khan only make a one movie in a year and the movie become a number one position. Like him Arundhati Roy also do SamSame thing she write a novel in 2 or 3 year and that novel won the booker prize. She first published novel The God of Small Things in 1997 and after that the second novel  The Ministry of Utmost Happiness published in 2017. Important thing is how many work u did is not important but the important thing is the quality . Quantity is nonot important but the quality is important.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Thinking activity : A Grain of Wheat

Grain of wheat

A Grain of Wheat is a novel by Kenyan novelist James Ngugi (Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o) first published as part of the influential Heinemann African Writers Series. It was written while he was studying at Leeds University and first published in 1967 by Heinemann. In ththis novel we see  how British government ruled on the people. Mugo and Uhru is main character of the novel.

Robinson Crusoe  is a novel by Daniel Defoe, first published on 25 April 1719. The first edition credited the work's protagonist Robinson Crusoe as its author, leading many readers to believe he was a real person and the book a travelogue of true incidents. The story about the character of friday and Crusoe. Friday is slave character of the novel. In this novel we see the term master slavery. The novel written in postcolonial perspective. Friday do all the things which Crusoe ordered.

The both novel we see the one same thing is power. In the novel Robinson Crusoe the Robinson is in the power of the  and the Friday is subaltern. Like Friday in this novel grain of wheat mugo, uhru are the subaltern.  In this both novel we see the Marxism. Both of the novels character are the victim of the marxism. 

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Introduction to Education and Technology

This thinking activity on introduction on technology and education..

In this first video we see many things according to education and technology how helpful in the education.  First video by Sir Ken Robinson on the "Changing Paradigmas"   first he say about  the two reasons of education first is Economic and second is culture. This two reasons is the big and the main reason of the education system. He say every country on the earth is trying to how do educate our children. He talk about the culture, culture genes of our communities while being part of the process of globalization have we we square that circle the problem. He  says ththat the in present time education system is totally changed. SStudents gets degrees but can't get a job. He said the problem is that the current system education was designed and concived and  structured for a different age. And then he say about the industrial revolution before the middle of the nineteenth century. After the the point of public education is came. IIn this topic the main point is structure of the public school. In the public school education paid for from taxation compulsory to everybody and free at the point of delivery that was a revolutionary idea. He described the education in the two type of the people . One is academic and second is non-academic. And also people divided in two types one is smart and another is non-smart people. The main two pillar of the education system are Economic and the Intellectual. Robinson describe education and the education system in every point of view. He think as a poor people and as a rich people. And the difference between them. He talk about the system of the private school and the public school. In the private school the structure of the building and the students divided in the group.  He says about the arts is,   "The Arts are Victims of the mentality ".His main point is the changing of paradigm. In this video we see the structure of the system .

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