Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Thinking activity on the novel Scarlet Letter and movie Kya Kehana

The scarlet Letter : A Romance  is a work of historical fiction by American author “ Nathanial Hawthorne, published in 1850. The Scarlet Latter was one of the first mass-produced books in America. It was popular when first published and is considered a classic work today.

Image result for scarlet letter

Kya Kehna movie is a 2000 Indian Hindi drama film directed by Kundan Shah. The film stars preity Zinta as a single teenage mother and Saif Ali Khan as the father, with chandrachur singh, Anupam Kher and farida jalal playing supporting roles.

#What is the role played by society in Hester’s life?

The society plays important role in Heater’s life. When she became a pregnant and don’t want to give a father name of his child but by the society  she forcefully wear a ‘A’. In the puritan time when girl became pregnant before the marriage. According to puritan law by them forcefully that girl wear ‘A’. ‘A’ it was a symbol of the “ADUTERY”.  Society was look her and laugh on her and people go away from her. ‘A’ is a taboo of that time. Society can’t accept her and didn’t support her. She was live alone and face the all problem.

#What is the role played by society in Priya’s life ?

We see the how society play a role with the Hester like her in Priya’s life society paly a vital role. When she became a pregnant with Rahul’s (Saif ali khan) child. He said she abort the child. But Priya don’t want to abort the child she decide to give a birth to the baby. Society look he as a dangerous way and ignore her. No one seat beside her. Every one go away from her. Also Rahul do all this thing he never talk with her and always ignore her. But in Priya’s case her family member stand with her and they support her.
Compare and contrast the male character, Roger Chillingworth, Arthur Dimmesdale, Rahul and Ajay.
Rodger Chillingworth is a not good character. He is lusty man he always wants to the Hester stay with her. He look as a crual man. He never help the Hester when she pregnant. When he return from the England he search the Hester. And when he meet the Hester he saw her with “A”.  he never help the Hester always try to harm her.    Arthur Dimmesdale and Rahul these two character are same. Because they are not ready to accept their child. They both are realize their mistake and After that they ready to accept their child and take responsibility of the child.  Rahul ready to marry with Priya and Arthur confess his love. Ajay is different character from all. He is a friend of Priya and after he knew about the Priya is pregnant he always stand with her and support her. He know that Priya became a mother of the Rahul’s child he ready to marry with har. And take all the responsibility of the baby.

#What are the reasons that Arthur Dimmesdale and Rahul do not come forward to 

accept their fatherhood ? how do you they differ and what are their similarities?
According to my point of view first they don’t wants became a father. They both are never think about that. And the second is society. This society is a bog problem of the life because people think about what society speak about them. In the Priya’s case Rahul is not serious about the Priya. Rahul is a playboy he play with the Priya’s life and cheat with her feelings and love.

#How do you see Hester and Priya as individuals?

In their character we see the power of the women and their ability. They are more power full from the man. They both are the strong and the power-full women. They prove the women are also power full and far batter than the man. They both are face the same problem. They both have to do fight with this “society” .  

#Why do you think director has lifted the character of Ajay to the ideal state? Is it possible in real life? What are the reason of your yes or no?

As par my point of view director put Ajay as ideal state because of the he know about the all the matter and after that he ready to marry with her and and accept the baby. So that’s why director put him on the ideal state. Because the director wants to attract the people by the end because in the end of the movie people belive in that the Rahul is not good man and dislike him and after the Rahul realize his mistake and ready to accept his child.  So the director put Ajay as a Ideal state and put twist in the end. And try to attract the people with the help of this turn. But in real life this thing never happen because the society never accept this thing. Society say to that child about their father’s real identity and ask to that child who is his real father.  So in real life this thing never possible.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

"The Waste Land" thinking activity

Image result for waste land

1)      What are your view on the following image after reading ‘The Waste land’? do you think that Eliot is regressive as compared to Nietzche’s view? Or Has Eliot achieved universality of thought by recalling mytho-historical answer to the contemporary malaise?

Eliot is regressive not progressive as compared to Nietzche’s views. Nietzche was a German philosopher, cultural critic, composer and poet. We see the conflict between Eliot and Nietzche. Eliot belive in supernatural power and Nietzche like an atheist. Eliot used various myth in the ‘Waste Land’. Eliot himself given many example of past myths and we have seen that what the problems.

2)      What are your views regarding these comment is it true that giving free vent to the repressed ‘primitive instinct’ lead us to happy and satisfied life? Or do you agree with Eliot’s view that ‘salvation of man lies in the preservation of the cultural tradition?


   I agree with that salvation of man lies in the      
       preservation of the cultural tradition. Eliot believe in self control.                 
3)      Write about allusion to the Indian thoughts in “The Waste Land” (where, how and why are the Indian thoughts referred?)

         There are many reference to the Indian spirituality in “The Waste Land”.
   #Shanti Mantra
       Shanti means the peace that passes understanding and the peace of mind.          
       Eliot ends his poem with this mantra and the hope.
# Three Da
1.     Datta
2.     Dayadhvam
3.     Damyata

The first Da ‘Datta’ means “to give”. Second Da ‘Dayadhvam’ means “Sympathise and empathies with other’. And the third Da ‘Damyata” means “Self control, control over one’s passions and desire, abscond the life of senses”.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Movie review on The Modern Literature

Modern times movie is a 1936 American comedy written and directed by “Charlie Chaplin”. Charlie Chaplin was an English comic actor, Filmmaker and composer who rose to fame in the era of silent film. Movies tone is a comic. With the help of comedy and laughter Chaplin try to say tragic story. In this movie we see the unemployment, starvation and the capitalism.

Image result for modern times charlie chaplin movie

Movie is very easy to understand and the easy to remember for the literary work. because visual thing is very helpful the remember thing and the literary work. Visual things never forget the things. The movie based on the modern history or the modern period.  In this movie we saw many things which reflect the present time


We see the joblessness in this movie. We see the people they are searching the job. And when the factory is closed and the Chaplin’s situation. He wondering for the get new job. He is go here n there for the get the job. When the Chaplin take red flag we see the crowd back side of him. People believe in that he was leader of the rally. We saw the many people who are the unemployed. When the factory is re-open the crowed of the people for get the job.

# satire on Machine life

We see the people who are doing work like machine. They constant doing work like machine. They all people doing work like a sheeple. They come on time and going on time. Their work is like machine. When we saw them to do work they look like machine. Because every body do their work silently and never talk with each other.

Image result for modern times charlie chaplin movie

In the end of the movie we saw the last scene. In that scene we see the big mountain, long and big road and the most and the important thing it is a dawn. Dawn is the symbol of the new begging of any thing. It is give us positive vibes. It is a symbol of the start new thing. In this movie we see the it symbol the new journey of their life.

Image result for modern times charlie chaplin movie

#          FOOD

Food is also main part of the movie. For the food we see the people doing many thing. It symbol the unemployment and the hunger. Because without money and work they can’t mange the things. We see in the Chaplin’s dream in his dream we see the he think about the good and well set life. In milk dream we see the cow come near his house give milk and go away from there. When they in the mall we see the things they are doing. First they eat the food. After that they see the cloths and in the end they see the furniture. They play with toys and do many thing. We see they are very happy. Their face are very happy and glow on their face.         

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Movie Review : Article 15

Image result for article 15 movie

The film screening committee of Dept. of English has organised screening of movie ARTICLE 15 sponsored by TANISHQ BHAVNAGR. 

The movie Article 15 is directed by ANUBHAV SINHA. the movie based on the Indian Constitution, which prohibits discrimination on ground of religion, race, cast, sex or the place of birth. This movie based on the two Real story; which are

Badayun Gangrape case (U.P)
Una Flogging incident (Gujarat)
Badayun case happen On 27th May 2014, a Gang rape and murdered of two teenage girls was reported in the Katra village of ‘Budaun district’ (also spelled as Badayun) , Uttar Pradesh, India.   Una Flogging incident happen on 11th July 2016, seven members of a Dalit family were assaulted by a group of people in pretext of Cow protection in Una in Gujarat. Dalit tried to convince them that they were skinning dead cows. They were not convinced and tied Dalits to the car and beat with sticks, iron pipes and a knife.
In the movie we see the when Ayaan (Aayushmaan Khurana) talk with Aditi (Isha Talwar) she says in news- paper headline about the news of GST not about the news the girls murder. It was symbol of the politics and the ruling party they hide this news of the girls and murder.  Because it was the bad thing of their party.
We saw casteism in this movie in every place. First when the Gora and the father of that two girls came for their daughter’s murder case  for about that and Gora came for her sisters missing report for that. That time we saw that they drink water in their hand not in the glass. Because they belong the “Dalit”. That scene show the cast system of India and the untouchability. After that we saw the “Mahant” who was Brahman. He was doing many things to won the election. In movie we saw mahant sit beside the Dalit and eat a food. With the help of this scene he show the all cast are equal but this all thing he was do for the won election. He was eat food which came from his home and also the mess it was take with him and in front of camera he do all the wrong thing.

In this movie we saw the Bhramadtt  is also doing bed things. Police doesn’t give the post- mortem report. Bhramadtt forced to Dr.Malati to make false poestmoterm report. In the movie we  saw the two policemen are also a part of the rape. We saw the Bhramadatt says Aayaan to,
                                              SANTULAN MAT BIGADIYE”
He try to say sign in the form and close the case. The movie end with this dialogue
   “Kaun Jat Ho tum?”
 The movie end with this dialogue. Throught the movie we see the cast – system, politics,
Corruption. This movie based on the two real incident. Badaun gang rape and Una flogging incident.  

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